Tjejer, vad känner ni igen er i på Rudy Simones lista?
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Tjejer, vad känner ni igen er i på Rudy Simones lista?
Rudy Simone har gjort en lista på saker som är mer typiskt för aspergertjejer än aspergerkillar i sin bok Aspergirls.
Jag är väldigt nyfiken om det verkligen är så.
Så kan vi tjejer kommentera det i hennes lista som vi tycker stämmer och det som inte stämmer. Vore intressant att veta.
Så alltså bara tjejer som har asperger får svara på detta.
Här är listan:
List of Female Asperger Syndrome (AS) Traits:
Appearance / Personal Habits:
Dresses comfortably due to sensory issues & practicality.
Will not spend much time on grooming and hair. Hairstyles usually have to be ‘wash and wear’. Can be quite happy not grooming at all at times.
Eccentric personality; may be reflected in appearance.
Is youthful for her age, in looks, dress, behavior and tastes.
Usually a little more expressive in face and gesture than male counterparts.
May have many androgynous traits despite an outwardly feminine appearance. Thinks of herself as half-male / half-female.
May not have a strong sense of identity and can be very chameleon-like, especially before diagnosis.
Enjoys reading and films as a retreat, often scifi, fantasy, children’s, can have favorites which are a refuge.
Uses control as a stress management technique: rules, discipline, rigid in certain habits, which will contradict her seeming unconventionality.
Usually happiest at home or in other controlled environments.
Intellectual / Giftedness / Education / Vocation:
May have been diagnosed as autistic or Asperger’s when young, or may have been thought of as gifted, shy, sensitive, etc. May also have had obvious or severe learning deficits.
Often musical, artistic.
May have a savant skill or strong talent.
May have a strong interest in computers, games, science, graphic design, inventing, things of a technological and visual nature. More verbal thinkers may gravitate to writing, languages, cultural studies, psychology.
May be a self-taught reader, been hyperlexic as a child, and will possess a wide variety of other self-taught skills as well.
May be highly educated but will have had to struggle with social aspects of college. May have one or many partial degrees.
Can be very passionate about a course of study or job, and then change direction or go completely cold on it very quickly.
Will often have trouble holding onto a job and may find employment daunting.
Highly intelligent, yet sometimes can be slow to comprehend due to sensory and cognitive processing issues.
Will not do well with verbal instruction — needs to write down or draw diagram.
Will have obsessions but they are not as unusual as her male counterpart’s (less likely to be a ‘train-spotter’).
Emotional / Physical:
Emotionally immature and emotionally sensitive.
Anxiety and fear are predominant emotions.
More open to talking about feelings and emotional issues than males with AS.
Strong sensory issues — sounds, sights, smells, touch, and prone to overload. (Less likely to have taste / food texture issues as males.)
Moody and prone to bouts of depression. May have been diagnosed as bi-polar or manic depressive (common comorbids of autism / AS) while the AS diagnosis was missed.
Probably given several different prescriptions to treat symptoms. Will be very sensitive to medications and anything else she puts in her body so may have had adverse reactions.
9 out of 10 have mild to severe gastro-intestinal difficulties — eg, ulcers, acid reflux, IBS, etc.
Stims to soothe when sad or agitated: rocking, face-rubbing, humming, finger flicking, leg bouncing, finger or foot-tapping, etc.
Similarly physical when happy: hand flapping, clapping, singing, jumping, running around, dancing, bouncing.
Prone to temper or crying meltdowns, even in public, sometimes over seemingly small things due to sensory or emotional overload.
Hates injustice and hates to be misunderstood; this can incite anger and rage.
Prone to mutism when stressed or upset, esp. after a meltdown. Less likely to stutter than male counterparts but may have a raspy voice, monotone at times, when stressed or sad.
Social / Relationships:
Words and actions are often misunderstood by others.
Perceived to be cold-natured and self-centered; unfriendly.
Is very outspoken at times, may get very fired up when talking about passions / obsessive interests.
Can be very shy or mute.
Like her male counterpart, will shut down in social situations once overloaded, but is generally better at socializing in small doses. May even give the appearance of skilled, but it is a ‘performance’.
Doesn’t go out much. Will prefer to go out with partner only or children if she has them.
Will not have many girlfriends and will not do ‘girly’ things like shopping with them or have get-togethers to ‘hang out’.
Will have a close friend or friends in school, but not once adulthood is reached.
May or may not want to have a relationship. If she is in a relationship, she probably takes it very seriously, but she may choose to remain celibate or alone.
Due to sensory issues, will either really enjoy sex or strongly dislike it.
If she likes a male, she can be extremely, noticeably awkward in her attempts to let him know, eg she may stare when she sees him or call him repeatedly. This is because she fixates and doesn’t understand societal gender roles. This will change with maturity.
Often prefers the company of animals but not always due to sensory issues. ... traits.jpg
Summary of Some Main Female / Male AS Differences:
Usually a little more expressive in face and gesture than male counterparts.
Better at mirroring than males and so may mirror many different types of personalities. Hence females may not have a strong sense of identity, and can be very chameleon-like, especially before diagnosis.
Will have obsessions but they are not as abstruse or unusual as her male counterpart’s and tend to be more practical (eg, less likely to be a ‘trainspotter’).
More open to talking about feelings and emotional issues than males with AS.
Less likely to receive early, correct diagnosis because the criteria is based on male behaviors / traits. (Hans Asperger studied males only.) More likely to be diagnosed as bi-polar or manic-depressive (common co-morbids of autism / AS).
Physical gestures / behaviors when happy more expressive than males: hand flapping, clapping, singing, jumping up and down, running around, dancing, bouncing — this pertains to adult women as well as girls.
Adult females are prone to both temper and crying meltdowns, even in public, sometimes over seemingly small things due to sensory or emotional overload. Hunger / food issues seem to be a common trigger. Adult males [with AS] not prone to crying.
Tends to receive less tolerance and more expectation from others, because she appears more adept.
Hate injustice and hates to be misunderstood; this can incite anger and rage meltdowns.
Less likely to stutter than male counterparts when stressed or upset; both may have raspy, choked or monotone voice or suffer mutism.
Females are generally better at socializing in small doses. May even give the appearance of skilled, but it is a ‘performance’. Like her male counterpart, will shut down in social situations once overloaded.
More likely to keep pets for emotional support but not always due to sensory issues.
Jag är väldigt nyfiken om det verkligen är så.
Så kan vi tjejer kommentera det i hennes lista som vi tycker stämmer och det som inte stämmer. Vore intressant att veta.
Så alltså bara tjejer som har asperger får svara på detta.
Här är listan:
List of Female Asperger Syndrome (AS) Traits:
Appearance / Personal Habits:
Dresses comfortably due to sensory issues & practicality.
Will not spend much time on grooming and hair. Hairstyles usually have to be ‘wash and wear’. Can be quite happy not grooming at all at times.
Eccentric personality; may be reflected in appearance.
Is youthful for her age, in looks, dress, behavior and tastes.
Usually a little more expressive in face and gesture than male counterparts.
May have many androgynous traits despite an outwardly feminine appearance. Thinks of herself as half-male / half-female.
May not have a strong sense of identity and can be very chameleon-like, especially before diagnosis.
Enjoys reading and films as a retreat, often scifi, fantasy, children’s, can have favorites which are a refuge.
Uses control as a stress management technique: rules, discipline, rigid in certain habits, which will contradict her seeming unconventionality.
Usually happiest at home or in other controlled environments.
Intellectual / Giftedness / Education / Vocation:
May have been diagnosed as autistic or Asperger’s when young, or may have been thought of as gifted, shy, sensitive, etc. May also have had obvious or severe learning deficits.
Often musical, artistic.
May have a savant skill or strong talent.
May have a strong interest in computers, games, science, graphic design, inventing, things of a technological and visual nature. More verbal thinkers may gravitate to writing, languages, cultural studies, psychology.
May be a self-taught reader, been hyperlexic as a child, and will possess a wide variety of other self-taught skills as well.
May be highly educated but will have had to struggle with social aspects of college. May have one or many partial degrees.
Can be very passionate about a course of study or job, and then change direction or go completely cold on it very quickly.
Will often have trouble holding onto a job and may find employment daunting.
Highly intelligent, yet sometimes can be slow to comprehend due to sensory and cognitive processing issues.
Will not do well with verbal instruction — needs to write down or draw diagram.
Will have obsessions but they are not as unusual as her male counterpart’s (less likely to be a ‘train-spotter’).
Emotional / Physical:
Emotionally immature and emotionally sensitive.
Anxiety and fear are predominant emotions.
More open to talking about feelings and emotional issues than males with AS.
Strong sensory issues — sounds, sights, smells, touch, and prone to overload. (Less likely to have taste / food texture issues as males.)
Moody and prone to bouts of depression. May have been diagnosed as bi-polar or manic depressive (common comorbids of autism / AS) while the AS diagnosis was missed.
Probably given several different prescriptions to treat symptoms. Will be very sensitive to medications and anything else she puts in her body so may have had adverse reactions.
9 out of 10 have mild to severe gastro-intestinal difficulties — eg, ulcers, acid reflux, IBS, etc.
Stims to soothe when sad or agitated: rocking, face-rubbing, humming, finger flicking, leg bouncing, finger or foot-tapping, etc.
Similarly physical when happy: hand flapping, clapping, singing, jumping, running around, dancing, bouncing.
Prone to temper or crying meltdowns, even in public, sometimes over seemingly small things due to sensory or emotional overload.
Hates injustice and hates to be misunderstood; this can incite anger and rage.
Prone to mutism when stressed or upset, esp. after a meltdown. Less likely to stutter than male counterparts but may have a raspy voice, monotone at times, when stressed or sad.
Social / Relationships:
Words and actions are often misunderstood by others.
Perceived to be cold-natured and self-centered; unfriendly.
Is very outspoken at times, may get very fired up when talking about passions / obsessive interests.
Can be very shy or mute.
Like her male counterpart, will shut down in social situations once overloaded, but is generally better at socializing in small doses. May even give the appearance of skilled, but it is a ‘performance’.
Doesn’t go out much. Will prefer to go out with partner only or children if she has them.
Will not have many girlfriends and will not do ‘girly’ things like shopping with them or have get-togethers to ‘hang out’.
Will have a close friend or friends in school, but not once adulthood is reached.
May or may not want to have a relationship. If she is in a relationship, she probably takes it very seriously, but she may choose to remain celibate or alone.
Due to sensory issues, will either really enjoy sex or strongly dislike it.
If she likes a male, she can be extremely, noticeably awkward in her attempts to let him know, eg she may stare when she sees him or call him repeatedly. This is because she fixates and doesn’t understand societal gender roles. This will change with maturity.
Often prefers the company of animals but not always due to sensory issues. ... traits.jpg
Summary of Some Main Female / Male AS Differences:
Usually a little more expressive in face and gesture than male counterparts.
Better at mirroring than males and so may mirror many different types of personalities. Hence females may not have a strong sense of identity, and can be very chameleon-like, especially before diagnosis.
Will have obsessions but they are not as abstruse or unusual as her male counterpart’s and tend to be more practical (eg, less likely to be a ‘trainspotter’).
More open to talking about feelings and emotional issues than males with AS.
Less likely to receive early, correct diagnosis because the criteria is based on male behaviors / traits. (Hans Asperger studied males only.) More likely to be diagnosed as bi-polar or manic-depressive (common co-morbids of autism / AS).
Physical gestures / behaviors when happy more expressive than males: hand flapping, clapping, singing, jumping up and down, running around, dancing, bouncing — this pertains to adult women as well as girls.
Adult females are prone to both temper and crying meltdowns, even in public, sometimes over seemingly small things due to sensory or emotional overload. Hunger / food issues seem to be a common trigger. Adult males [with AS] not prone to crying.
Tends to receive less tolerance and more expectation from others, because she appears more adept.
Hate injustice and hates to be misunderstood; this can incite anger and rage meltdowns.
Less likely to stutter than male counterparts when stressed or upset; both may have raspy, choked or monotone voice or suffer mutism.
Females are generally better at socializing in small doses. May even give the appearance of skilled, but it is a ‘performance’. Like her male counterpart, will shut down in social situations once overloaded.
More likely to keep pets for emotional support but not always due to sensory issues.
Tjejer vad känner ni igen er i på Rudy Simones lista ?
Det mesta stämmer in på mig.
Förutom att jag inte är androgyn utan älskar att klä mig tjejigt och kvinnligt. Jag är väldigt tjejigt och vill uttrycka det med min klädstil.
Jag vill verkligen ha både en bästis och en pojkvän. Alltså jag vill ha relationer.
Jag älskar att kramas och mysa med den jag är kär i. Och jag tycker mycket om att ha sex.
Så de sakerna stämmer inte på mig.
Allt annat stämmer.
Jag är ganska bra på att vara social, har mkt medkänsla och kan läsa av andra mskor.
Läser av lite för mycket och fel ibland bara. Och jag har svårt att förstå att andra inte fungerar som jag. Jag blir väldigt trött av att vara social även om jag egentligen gillar det.
Jag kan de sociala koderna. Men när jag är arg för jag är missförsådd el orättvist behandlad så skiter jag i dem och konsekvenserna av att jag skiter i de sociala koderna. Men skäms väldigt mycket efter ett utbrott t.ex.
Förutom att jag inte är androgyn utan älskar att klä mig tjejigt och kvinnligt. Jag är väldigt tjejigt och vill uttrycka det med min klädstil.
Jag vill verkligen ha både en bästis och en pojkvän. Alltså jag vill ha relationer.
Jag älskar att kramas och mysa med den jag är kär i. Och jag tycker mycket om att ha sex.
Så de sakerna stämmer inte på mig.
Allt annat stämmer.
Jag är ganska bra på att vara social, har mkt medkänsla och kan läsa av andra mskor.
Läser av lite för mycket och fel ibland bara. Och jag har svårt att förstå att andra inte fungerar som jag. Jag blir väldigt trött av att vara social även om jag egentligen gillar det.
Jag kan de sociala koderna. Men när jag är arg för jag är missförsådd el orättvist behandlad så skiter jag i dem och konsekvenserna av att jag skiter i de sociala koderna. Men skäms väldigt mycket efter ett utbrott t.ex.
Tjejer vad känner ni igen er i på Rudy Simones lista?
Vissa saker stämmer och andra inte. Men mycket är väl generella drag för Aspergers? Då mina kompisar som är snubbar sa att de kände också igen sig på många saker också.
Tjejer vad känner ni igen er i på Rudy Simones lista?
Det vore mer värdefullt ifall såväl kvinnor som män läste igenom listan och svarade på vad de kände igen sig i: så att man får en heltäckande bild utav ifall någon punkt på listan förekommer vanligare hos endera kvinnor eller män.
- Gripandekylig
- Inlägg: 1620
- Anslöt: 2012-12-27
- Ort: Uppsala
Tjejer vad känner ni igen er i på Rudy Simones lista?
Jag testade i alla fall alla påståenden gentemot mig själv som är man och jag stämde överens med en majoritet av dessa. De som jag inte känner igen mig i är följande punkter.
- Usually a little more expressive in face and gesture than male counterparts.
- Will often have trouble holding onto a job and may find employment daunting.
- Emotionally immature and emotionally sensitive.
- Prone to temper or crying meltdowns, even in public, sometimes over seemingly small things due to sensory or emotional overload.
- More open to talking about feelings and emotional issues than males with AS.
- Adult females are prone to both temper and crying meltdowns, even in public, sometimes over seemingly small things due to sensory or emotional overload. Hunger / food issues seem to be a common trigger. Adult males [with AS] not prone to crying.
Men ifall fler både män och kvinnor svarar i tråden får vi en mer rättvisande bild av huruvida påståendena stämmer överens med personer med Asperger eller ej samt av vilka punkter som kan sägas definiera kvinnor mer än män.
- Usually a little more expressive in face and gesture than male counterparts.
- Will often have trouble holding onto a job and may find employment daunting.
- Emotionally immature and emotionally sensitive.
- Prone to temper or crying meltdowns, even in public, sometimes over seemingly small things due to sensory or emotional overload.
- More open to talking about feelings and emotional issues than males with AS.
- Adult females are prone to both temper and crying meltdowns, even in public, sometimes over seemingly small things due to sensory or emotional overload. Hunger / food issues seem to be a common trigger. Adult males [with AS] not prone to crying.
Men ifall fler både män och kvinnor svarar i tråden får vi en mer rättvisande bild av huruvida påståendena stämmer överens med personer med Asperger eller ej samt av vilka punkter som kan sägas definiera kvinnor mer än män.
- Gripandekylig
- Inlägg: 1620
- Anslöt: 2012-12-27
- Ort: Uppsala
Tjejer vad känner ni igen er i på Rudy Simones lista?
De punkter jag känner igen mig i:
-Dresses comfortably due to sensory issues & practicality.
-Will not spend much time on grooming and hair. Hairstyles usually have to be ‘wash and wear’.
-Can be quite happy not grooming at all at times.
-Usually a little more expressive in face and gesture than male counterparts
-Usually happiest at home or in other controlled environments
-More verbal thinkers may gravitate to writing, languages, cultural studies, psychology.
-May be a self-taught reader
-More open to talking about feelings and emotional issues than males with AS.
-Is very outspoken at times, may get very fired up when talking about passions
-Like her male counterpart, will shut down in social situations once overloaded, but is generally better at socializing in small doses. May even give the appearance of skilled, but it is a ‘performance’.
-Doesn’t go out much. Will prefer to go out with partner only or children if she has them.
-Will not have many girlfriends and will not do ‘girly’ things like shopping with them or have get-togethers to ‘hang out’.
-If she is in a relationship, she probably takes it very seriously,
-Often prefers the company of animals but not always due to sensory issues.
-Less likely to stutter than male counterparts
-More likely to keep pets for emotional support but not always due to sensory issues
-Dresses comfortably due to sensory issues & practicality.
-Will not spend much time on grooming and hair. Hairstyles usually have to be ‘wash and wear’.
-Can be quite happy not grooming at all at times.
-Usually a little more expressive in face and gesture than male counterparts
-Usually happiest at home or in other controlled environments
-More verbal thinkers may gravitate to writing, languages, cultural studies, psychology.
-May be a self-taught reader
-More open to talking about feelings and emotional issues than males with AS.
-Is very outspoken at times, may get very fired up when talking about passions
-Like her male counterpart, will shut down in social situations once overloaded, but is generally better at socializing in small doses. May even give the appearance of skilled, but it is a ‘performance’.
-Doesn’t go out much. Will prefer to go out with partner only or children if she has them.
-Will not have many girlfriends and will not do ‘girly’ things like shopping with them or have get-togethers to ‘hang out’.
-If she is in a relationship, she probably takes it very seriously,
-Often prefers the company of animals but not always due to sensory issues.
-Less likely to stutter than male counterparts
-More likely to keep pets for emotional support but not always due to sensory issues
Tjejer vad känner ni igen er i på Rudy Simones lista?
Jag gjorde det enkelt för mig genom att radera det som inte stämmer. Ursäkta sinnessjukt långt inlägg.
Appearance / Personal Habits:
Dresses comfortably due to sensory issues & practicality.
Will not spend much time on grooming and hair. Hairstyles usually have to be ‘wash and wear’. Can be quite happy not grooming at all at times.
Is youthful for her age, in looks, dress, behavior and tastes.
Usually a little more expressive in face and gesture than male counterparts.
May have many androgynous traits despite an outwardly feminine appearance. Thinks of herself as half-male / half-female.
May not have a strong sense of identity and can be very chameleon-like, especially before diagnosis.
Enjoys reading and films as a retreat, often scifi, fantasy, children’s, can have favorites which are a refuge.
Uses control as a stress management technique: rules, discipline, rigid in certain habits, which will contradict her seeming unconventionality.
Usually happiest at home or in other controlled environments.
Intellectual / Giftedness / Education / Vocation:
May have a savant skill or strong talent.
May have a strong interest in computers, games, science, graphic design, inventing, things of a technological and visual nature. More verbal thinkers may gravitate to writing, languages, cultural studies, psychology.
May be a self-taught reader, been hyperlexic as a childMay be highly educated but will have had to struggle with social aspects of college. May have one or many partial degrees.
Can be very passionate about a course of study or job, and then change direction or go completely cold on it very quickly.
Will often have trouble holding onto a job and may find employment daunting.
Highly intelligent, yet sometimes can be slow to comprehend due to sensory and cognitive processing issues.
Will not do well with verbal instruction — needs to write down or draw diagram.
Will have obsessions but they are not as unusual as her male counterpart’s (less likely to be a ‘train-spotter’).
Emotional / Physical:
Emotionally immature and emotionally sensitive.
Anxiety and fear are predominant emotions.
More open to talking about feelings and emotional issues than males with AS.
Strong sensory issues — sounds, sights, smells, touch, and prone to overload. (Less likely to have taste / food texture issues as males.) Sista stämmer inte, jag har stora matissues.
Moody and prone to bouts of depression. May have been diagnosed as bi-polar or manic depressive (common comorbids of autism / AS) while the AS diagnosis was missed.
9 out of 10 have mild to severe gastro-intestinal difficulties — eg, ulcers, acid reflux, IBS, etc.
Stims to soothe when sad or agitated: rocking, face-rubbing, humming, finger flicking, leg bouncing, finger or foot-tapping, etc.
Similarly physical when happy: hand flapping, clapping, singing, jumping, running around, dancing, bouncing.
Prone to temper or crying meltdowns, even in public, sometimes over seemingly small things due to sensory or emotional overload.
Hates injustice and hates to be misunderstood; this can incite anger and rage.
Social / Relationships:
Words and actions are often misunderstood by others.
Is very outspoken at times, may get very fired up when talking about passions / obsessive interests.
Can be very shy or mute.
Like her male counterpart, will shut down in social situations once overloaded, but is generally better at socializing in small doses. May even give the appearance of skilled, but it is a ‘performance’.
Doesn’t go out much. Will prefer to go out with partner only or children if she has them.
Will not have many girlfriends and will not do ‘girly’ things like shopping with them or have get-togethers to ‘hang out’.
Will have a close friend or friends in school.
If she is in a relationship, she probably takes it very seriously, but she may choose to remain celibate or alone.
If she likes a male, she can be extremely, noticeably awkward in her attempts to let him know, eg she may stare when she sees him.

Appearance / Personal Habits:
Dresses comfortably due to sensory issues & practicality.
Will not spend much time on grooming and hair. Hairstyles usually have to be ‘wash and wear’. Can be quite happy not grooming at all at times.
Is youthful for her age, in looks, dress, behavior and tastes.
Usually a little more expressive in face and gesture than male counterparts.
May have many androgynous traits despite an outwardly feminine appearance. Thinks of herself as half-male / half-female.
May not have a strong sense of identity and can be very chameleon-like, especially before diagnosis.
Enjoys reading and films as a retreat, often scifi, fantasy, children’s, can have favorites which are a refuge.
Uses control as a stress management technique: rules, discipline, rigid in certain habits, which will contradict her seeming unconventionality.
Usually happiest at home or in other controlled environments.
Intellectual / Giftedness / Education / Vocation:
May have a savant skill or strong talent.
May have a strong interest in computers, games, science, graphic design, inventing, things of a technological and visual nature. More verbal thinkers may gravitate to writing, languages, cultural studies, psychology.
May be a self-taught reader, been hyperlexic as a childMay be highly educated but will have had to struggle with social aspects of college. May have one or many partial degrees.
Can be very passionate about a course of study or job, and then change direction or go completely cold on it very quickly.
Will often have trouble holding onto a job and may find employment daunting.
Highly intelligent, yet sometimes can be slow to comprehend due to sensory and cognitive processing issues.
Will not do well with verbal instruction — needs to write down or draw diagram.
Will have obsessions but they are not as unusual as her male counterpart’s (less likely to be a ‘train-spotter’).
Emotional / Physical:
Emotionally immature and emotionally sensitive.
Anxiety and fear are predominant emotions.
More open to talking about feelings and emotional issues than males with AS.
Strong sensory issues — sounds, sights, smells, touch, and prone to overload. (Less likely to have taste / food texture issues as males.) Sista stämmer inte, jag har stora matissues.
Moody and prone to bouts of depression. May have been diagnosed as bi-polar or manic depressive (common comorbids of autism / AS) while the AS diagnosis was missed.
9 out of 10 have mild to severe gastro-intestinal difficulties — eg, ulcers, acid reflux, IBS, etc.
Stims to soothe when sad or agitated: rocking, face-rubbing, humming, finger flicking, leg bouncing, finger or foot-tapping, etc.
Similarly physical when happy: hand flapping, clapping, singing, jumping, running around, dancing, bouncing.
Prone to temper or crying meltdowns, even in public, sometimes over seemingly small things due to sensory or emotional overload.
Hates injustice and hates to be misunderstood; this can incite anger and rage.
Social / Relationships:
Words and actions are often misunderstood by others.
Is very outspoken at times, may get very fired up when talking about passions / obsessive interests.
Can be very shy or mute.
Like her male counterpart, will shut down in social situations once overloaded, but is generally better at socializing in small doses. May even give the appearance of skilled, but it is a ‘performance’.
Doesn’t go out much. Will prefer to go out with partner only or children if she has them.
Will not have many girlfriends and will not do ‘girly’ things like shopping with them or have get-togethers to ‘hang out’.
Will have a close friend or friends in school.
If she is in a relationship, she probably takes it very seriously, but she may choose to remain celibate or alone.
If she likes a male, she can be extremely, noticeably awkward in her attempts to let him know, eg she may stare when she sees him.
- Schmetterling
- Inlägg: 1539
- Anslöt: 2012-08-18
Tjejer vad känner ni igen er i på Rudy Simones lista?
Nästan allt stämmer på mig:
Föredrar att bara ha håret hängande, eller i en tofs. Tycker om att bli friserad av andra (så länge de inte försöker fixera mitt huvud, då blir jag GALEN), men gillar inte att ha "kladd" (t.ex. gelé, vax, spray) i håret. Fast jag tvättar håret varje dag, det är kanske lite extremt.
Jag tror jag är rätt excentrisk, men jag ser inte ungdomlig ut, liknar snarare en liten tjock kulturtant.
Expressiv, citerar och tjoar och spelar teater när jag skall berätta något. Rätt ful i mun, he he.
Har alltid älskat att läsa och har som vuxen kommit att uppskatta både fantasy, postapokalyps och "bustlepunk" (en lite "flickigare" version av steampunk). Bläddrar gärna i barnböcker och tycker fortfarande om att läsa KP.
Har väldigt bestämda ritualer som gör mig lugn.
Trivs bäst hemma och umgås helst med föräldrarna och brorsan.
Sågs som överintelligent och överkänslig som barn.
Musikalisk och duktig på att skriva.
Bra på att imitera och kan rimma på beställning.
Har studerat en massa humaniora.
Lärde mig läsa själv.
Har ganska hög utbildning, men hade en del problem med det sociala både i grundskolan, gymnasiet och på universitetet.
Har fått sparken från flera städjobb. Får höra att jag arbetar för långsamt.
Måste ha instruktioner nedskrivna, annars försvinner allt på några sekunder.
Har flera saker jag är passionerat intresserad av. Vet inte om de är så ovanliga.
Känslig, och omogen i mina känslor.
Extremt rädd och ängslig jämt.
Pratar öppet om känslor och mående.
Otroligt känslig för plötsliga, höga ljud. Måste hålla för öronen när det kör förbi utryckningsfordon. Bär öronproppar på fyrverkeriuppvisningar och rockkonserter. Får ångest av malande elgitarrer.
Otroligt känsligt luktsinne, kan t.o.m. känna lukten av lågt blodsocker hos diabetiker.
Många, långa depressioner. Extrem ångest.
Reagerar jättekonstigt på alla mediciner.
Drar i håret, drar mig i underläppen, biter på naglarna, pressar ihop läpparna, spelar piano på bordet, ritar nästan maniskt på allting...
Pratar högt och exalterat när jag är glad.
Kan få hysteriska utbrott. Nu var det länge sedan, men i barndomen fick jag det flera gånger i veckan. Kunde tokgrina, vråla och börja slå på mig själv även bland folk. Ibland får jag kortslutning i hjärnan.
Har en tendens att öppna mig för mycket och blir som en duracellkanin på speed om jag får prata om mina stora passioner, t.ex. Frida Kahlo.
Sitter helst hemma, eller går på stan ensam, i min egen takt.
Har nog alltid kommit bättre överens med killar än med tjejer och hatar sådant som att titta på kläder, skor och smink.
Hade bästisar och nära vänner under hela skoltiden, men inte nu. Vi har glidit ifrån varann och alla andra har skaffat familj.
Drömmer om ett normalt liv med man och barn, men vill egentligen inte leva i ett förhållande.
Kan ha erotiska fantasier, men känner själv bara aversion mot att ha sex. Tycker inte att sex är äckligt på något vis, men jag avskyr min kropp.
Föredrar att umgås med katter framför människor.
Föredrar att bara ha håret hängande, eller i en tofs. Tycker om att bli friserad av andra (så länge de inte försöker fixera mitt huvud, då blir jag GALEN), men gillar inte att ha "kladd" (t.ex. gelé, vax, spray) i håret. Fast jag tvättar håret varje dag, det är kanske lite extremt.
Jag tror jag är rätt excentrisk, men jag ser inte ungdomlig ut, liknar snarare en liten tjock kulturtant.
Expressiv, citerar och tjoar och spelar teater när jag skall berätta något. Rätt ful i mun, he he.
Har alltid älskat att läsa och har som vuxen kommit att uppskatta både fantasy, postapokalyps och "bustlepunk" (en lite "flickigare" version av steampunk). Bläddrar gärna i barnböcker och tycker fortfarande om att läsa KP.
Har väldigt bestämda ritualer som gör mig lugn.
Trivs bäst hemma och umgås helst med föräldrarna och brorsan.
Sågs som överintelligent och överkänslig som barn.
Musikalisk och duktig på att skriva.
Bra på att imitera och kan rimma på beställning.
Har studerat en massa humaniora.
Lärde mig läsa själv.
Har ganska hög utbildning, men hade en del problem med det sociala både i grundskolan, gymnasiet och på universitetet.
Har fått sparken från flera städjobb. Får höra att jag arbetar för långsamt.
Måste ha instruktioner nedskrivna, annars försvinner allt på några sekunder.
Har flera saker jag är passionerat intresserad av. Vet inte om de är så ovanliga.
Känslig, och omogen i mina känslor.
Extremt rädd och ängslig jämt.
Pratar öppet om känslor och mående.
Otroligt känslig för plötsliga, höga ljud. Måste hålla för öronen när det kör förbi utryckningsfordon. Bär öronproppar på fyrverkeriuppvisningar och rockkonserter. Får ångest av malande elgitarrer.
Otroligt känsligt luktsinne, kan t.o.m. känna lukten av lågt blodsocker hos diabetiker.
Många, långa depressioner. Extrem ångest.
Reagerar jättekonstigt på alla mediciner.
Drar i håret, drar mig i underläppen, biter på naglarna, pressar ihop läpparna, spelar piano på bordet, ritar nästan maniskt på allting...
Pratar högt och exalterat när jag är glad.
Kan få hysteriska utbrott. Nu var det länge sedan, men i barndomen fick jag det flera gånger i veckan. Kunde tokgrina, vråla och börja slå på mig själv även bland folk. Ibland får jag kortslutning i hjärnan.
Har en tendens att öppna mig för mycket och blir som en duracellkanin på speed om jag får prata om mina stora passioner, t.ex. Frida Kahlo.
Sitter helst hemma, eller går på stan ensam, i min egen takt.
Har nog alltid kommit bättre överens med killar än med tjejer och hatar sådant som att titta på kläder, skor och smink.
Hade bästisar och nära vänner under hela skoltiden, men inte nu. Vi har glidit ifrån varann och alla andra har skaffat familj.
Drömmer om ett normalt liv med man och barn, men vill egentligen inte leva i ett förhållande.
Kan ha erotiska fantasier, men känner själv bara aversion mot att ha sex. Tycker inte att sex är äckligt på något vis, men jag avskyr min kropp.
Föredrar att umgås med katter framför människor.
Tjejer vad känner ni igen er i på Rudy Simones lista?
Ja om ni är killar/män och vill svara går det bra, men var tydliga med att ni då är män så att vi vet att ni inte är tjejer, annars är det svårt att jämföra.
Tjejer vad känner ni igen er i på Rudy Simones lista?
Jag är man som tänder på andra män, om det är intressant.
Appearance / Personal Habits:
Dresses comfortably due to sensory issues & practicality.
Eftersom mode är ett specialintresse så är inte komfort något som kommer högt på min lista, men samtidigt är manskläder aldrig lika utlämnande som kvinnokläder och har oftast bättre kvalitet.
Will not spend much time on grooming and hair. Hairstyles usually have to be ‘wash and wear’. Can be quite happy not grooming at all at times.
Jag har ju inget hår att sköta, så jag rakar mig. Missar jag det har jag gubbkeps på mig inne. Ansiktet groomar jag ett par gånger i veckan. Men jag Dysmorfobi också.
Eccentric personality; may be reflected in appearance.
Jo det tycker nog vissa.
Is youthful for her age, in looks, dress, behavior and tastes.
Nej, folk tror jag är äldre…
Usually a little more expressive in face and gesture than male counterparts.
Tränade upp detta i 14-års åldern.
May have many androgynous traits despite an outwardly feminine appearance. Thinks of herself as half-male / half-female.
Jag tänker nästan aldrig på att jag tillhör ett kön.
May not have a strong sense of identity and can be very chameleon-like, especially before diagnosis.
Jag har alltid haft en stark lite bufflig identitet, jag har aldrig riktigt kunnat kopiera beteenden på det sättet utan jag har saknat social instinkt utan jag fått lära mig den hårda vägen.
Enjoys reading and films as a retreat, often scifi, fantasy, children’s, can have favorites which are a refuge.
Absolut flykt in i populärkulturen.
Uses control as a stress management technique: rules, discipline, rigid in certain habits, which will contradict her seeming unconventionality.
Här finns ingen kontroll alls…
Usually happiest at home or in other controlled environments.
Bores me…
Intellectual / Giftedness / Education / Vocation:
Vissa anser väl det…
May have been diagnosed as autistic or Asperger’s when young, or may have been thought of as gifted, shy, sensitive, etc. May also have had obvious or severe learning deficits.
25 när jag skulle få min diagnos.
Often musical, artistic.
Inte alls, men önskar jag var det.
May have a savant skill or strong talent.
Jag är jäkla kreativ och borde arbeta på en reklambyrå.
May have a strong interest in computers, games, science, graphic design, inventing, things of a technological and visual nature. More verbal thinkers may gravitate to writing, languages, cultural studies, psychology.
Datorer, spel, grafisk design, verbal, skriver bra, studerat filmvetenskap, mer intresserad av psykiatri än psykologi.
May be a self-taught reader, been hyperlexic as a child, and will possess a wide variety of other self-taught skills as well.
Mycket så…
May be highly educated but will have had to struggle with social aspects of college. May have one or many partial degrees.
Det också…
Can be very passionate about a course of study or job, and then change direction or go completely cold on it very quickly.
Har först hänt efter flera år.
Will often have trouble holding onto a job and may find employment daunting.
Highly intelligent, yet sometimes can be slow to comprehend due to sensory and cognitive processing issues.
Ja, se helheter är något jag har problem med.
Will not do well with verbal instruction — needs to write down or draw diagram.
Behövs ej.
Will have obsessions but they are not as unusual as her male counterpart’s (less likely to be a ‘train-spotter’).
Har flera intressen.
Emotional / Physical:
Ja, ja.
Emotionally immature and emotionally sensitive.
Skulle inte säga att jag är omogen, men var nog det länge.
Anxiety and fear are predominant emotions.
Har stora problem med ångest.
More open to talking about feelings and emotional issues than males with AS.
Jag är så sönderterapftad att jag kan prata om mina känslor utan problem.
Strong sensory issues — sounds, sights, smells, touch, and prone to overload. (Less likely to have taste / food texture issues as males.)
Stör mig på vissa ljud, men jag har verkligen selective eating disorder och är känslig för dofter.
Moody and prone to bouts of depression. May have been diagnosed as bi-polar or manic depressive (common comorbids of autism / AS) while the AS diagnosis was missed.
Jag fick min cystomidiagnos precis…
Probably given several different prescriptions to treat symptoms. Will be very sensitive to medications and anything else she puts in her body so may have had adverse reactions.
Jag har nog prövat minst 24 olika preparat under mina år i psykiatrin…
9 out of 10 have mild to severe gastro-intestinal difficulties — eg, ulcers, acid reflux, IBS, etc.
Stims to soothe when sad or agitated: rocking, face-rubbing, humming, finger flicking, leg bouncing, finger or foot-tapping, etc.
Nej oftast inga problem. Kan sitta och klia huvudet om och om igen.
Similarly physical when happy: hand flapping, clapping, singing, jumping, running around, dancing, bouncing.
Nej, jag har lärt mig hur du för dig på ett dansgolv.
Prone to temper or crying meltdowns, even in public, sometimes over seemingly small things due to sensory or emotional overload.
Händer aldrig.
Hates injustice and hates to be misunderstood; this can incite anger and rage.
Avskyr orättvisor.
Prone to mutism when stressed or upset, esp. after a meltdown. Less likely to stutter than male counterparts but may have a raspy voice, monotone at times, when stressed or sad.
Gått hos logoped för att träna bort detta.
Social / Relationships:
Words and actions are often misunderstood by others.
Ja andra är så korkade…
Perceived to be cold-natured and self-centered; unfriendly.
Tror inte det, jag tror de flesta ser mig som ganska omtänksam.
Is very outspoken at times, may get very fired up when talking about passions / obsessive interests.
Ja, jag leder nästan alltid samtalet.
Can be very shy or mute.
Bara i sällskap där jag inte vet vad de förväntar sig.
Like her male counterpart, will shut down in social situations once overloaded, but is generally better at socializing in small doses. May even give the appearance of skilled, but it is a ‘performance’.
Små grupper är bättre. Större sällskap går om jag känner de flesta.
Doesn’t go out much. Will prefer to go out with partner only or children if she has them.
Will not have many girlfriends and will not do ‘girly’ things like shopping with them or have get-togethers to ‘hang out’.
Gillar inte göra saker själv, förutom att shoppa som jag helst gör själv eller köper på nätet eftersom utbudet är bättre där. Har en del vänner och umgås med dem.
Will have a close friend or friends in school, but not once adulthood is reached.
Tvärt om för mig.
May or may not want to have a relationship. If she is in a relationship, she probably takes it very seriously, but she may choose to remain celibate or alone.
Vill ha en relation men träffar bara idioter…
Due to sensory issues, will either really enjoy sex or strongly dislike it.
95 procent av ett förhållande kommer inte att handla om sex…
If she likes a male, she can be extremely, noticeably awkward in her attempts to let him know, eg she may stare when she sees him or call him repeatedly. This is because she fixates and doesn’t understand societal gender roles. This will change with maturity.
Often prefers the company of animals but not always due to sensory issues.
När jag var yngre fattade jag kaka av sånt, men då såg jag väldigt bra ut så det löste sig av sig självt.
Appearance / Personal Habits:
Dresses comfortably due to sensory issues & practicality.
Eftersom mode är ett specialintresse så är inte komfort något som kommer högt på min lista, men samtidigt är manskläder aldrig lika utlämnande som kvinnokläder och har oftast bättre kvalitet.
Will not spend much time on grooming and hair. Hairstyles usually have to be ‘wash and wear’. Can be quite happy not grooming at all at times.
Jag har ju inget hår att sköta, så jag rakar mig. Missar jag det har jag gubbkeps på mig inne. Ansiktet groomar jag ett par gånger i veckan. Men jag Dysmorfobi också.
Eccentric personality; may be reflected in appearance.
Jo det tycker nog vissa.
Is youthful for her age, in looks, dress, behavior and tastes.
Nej, folk tror jag är äldre…
Usually a little more expressive in face and gesture than male counterparts.
Tränade upp detta i 14-års åldern.
May have many androgynous traits despite an outwardly feminine appearance. Thinks of herself as half-male / half-female.
Jag tänker nästan aldrig på att jag tillhör ett kön.
May not have a strong sense of identity and can be very chameleon-like, especially before diagnosis.
Jag har alltid haft en stark lite bufflig identitet, jag har aldrig riktigt kunnat kopiera beteenden på det sättet utan jag har saknat social instinkt utan jag fått lära mig den hårda vägen.
Enjoys reading and films as a retreat, often scifi, fantasy, children’s, can have favorites which are a refuge.
Absolut flykt in i populärkulturen.
Uses control as a stress management technique: rules, discipline, rigid in certain habits, which will contradict her seeming unconventionality.
Här finns ingen kontroll alls…
Usually happiest at home or in other controlled environments.
Bores me…
Intellectual / Giftedness / Education / Vocation:
Vissa anser väl det…
May have been diagnosed as autistic or Asperger’s when young, or may have been thought of as gifted, shy, sensitive, etc. May also have had obvious or severe learning deficits.
25 när jag skulle få min diagnos.
Often musical, artistic.
Inte alls, men önskar jag var det.
May have a savant skill or strong talent.
Jag är jäkla kreativ och borde arbeta på en reklambyrå.
May have a strong interest in computers, games, science, graphic design, inventing, things of a technological and visual nature. More verbal thinkers may gravitate to writing, languages, cultural studies, psychology.
Datorer, spel, grafisk design, verbal, skriver bra, studerat filmvetenskap, mer intresserad av psykiatri än psykologi.
May be a self-taught reader, been hyperlexic as a child, and will possess a wide variety of other self-taught skills as well.
Mycket så…
May be highly educated but will have had to struggle with social aspects of college. May have one or many partial degrees.
Det också…
Can be very passionate about a course of study or job, and then change direction or go completely cold on it very quickly.
Har först hänt efter flera år.
Will often have trouble holding onto a job and may find employment daunting.
Highly intelligent, yet sometimes can be slow to comprehend due to sensory and cognitive processing issues.
Ja, se helheter är något jag har problem med.
Will not do well with verbal instruction — needs to write down or draw diagram.
Behövs ej.
Will have obsessions but they are not as unusual as her male counterpart’s (less likely to be a ‘train-spotter’).
Har flera intressen.
Emotional / Physical:
Ja, ja.
Emotionally immature and emotionally sensitive.
Skulle inte säga att jag är omogen, men var nog det länge.
Anxiety and fear are predominant emotions.
Har stora problem med ångest.
More open to talking about feelings and emotional issues than males with AS.
Jag är så sönderterapftad att jag kan prata om mina känslor utan problem.
Strong sensory issues — sounds, sights, smells, touch, and prone to overload. (Less likely to have taste / food texture issues as males.)
Stör mig på vissa ljud, men jag har verkligen selective eating disorder och är känslig för dofter.
Moody and prone to bouts of depression. May have been diagnosed as bi-polar or manic depressive (common comorbids of autism / AS) while the AS diagnosis was missed.
Jag fick min cystomidiagnos precis…
Probably given several different prescriptions to treat symptoms. Will be very sensitive to medications and anything else she puts in her body so may have had adverse reactions.
Jag har nog prövat minst 24 olika preparat under mina år i psykiatrin…
9 out of 10 have mild to severe gastro-intestinal difficulties — eg, ulcers, acid reflux, IBS, etc.
Stims to soothe when sad or agitated: rocking, face-rubbing, humming, finger flicking, leg bouncing, finger or foot-tapping, etc.
Nej oftast inga problem. Kan sitta och klia huvudet om och om igen.
Similarly physical when happy: hand flapping, clapping, singing, jumping, running around, dancing, bouncing.
Nej, jag har lärt mig hur du för dig på ett dansgolv.
Prone to temper or crying meltdowns, even in public, sometimes over seemingly small things due to sensory or emotional overload.
Händer aldrig.
Hates injustice and hates to be misunderstood; this can incite anger and rage.
Avskyr orättvisor.
Prone to mutism when stressed or upset, esp. after a meltdown. Less likely to stutter than male counterparts but may have a raspy voice, monotone at times, when stressed or sad.
Gått hos logoped för att träna bort detta.
Social / Relationships:
Words and actions are often misunderstood by others.
Ja andra är så korkade…
Perceived to be cold-natured and self-centered; unfriendly.
Tror inte det, jag tror de flesta ser mig som ganska omtänksam.
Is very outspoken at times, may get very fired up when talking about passions / obsessive interests.
Ja, jag leder nästan alltid samtalet.
Can be very shy or mute.
Bara i sällskap där jag inte vet vad de förväntar sig.
Like her male counterpart, will shut down in social situations once overloaded, but is generally better at socializing in small doses. May even give the appearance of skilled, but it is a ‘performance’.
Små grupper är bättre. Större sällskap går om jag känner de flesta.
Doesn’t go out much. Will prefer to go out with partner only or children if she has them.
Will not have many girlfriends and will not do ‘girly’ things like shopping with them or have get-togethers to ‘hang out’.
Gillar inte göra saker själv, förutom att shoppa som jag helst gör själv eller köper på nätet eftersom utbudet är bättre där. Har en del vänner och umgås med dem.
Will have a close friend or friends in school, but not once adulthood is reached.
Tvärt om för mig.
May or may not want to have a relationship. If she is in a relationship, she probably takes it very seriously, but she may choose to remain celibate or alone.
Vill ha en relation men träffar bara idioter…
Due to sensory issues, will either really enjoy sex or strongly dislike it.
95 procent av ett förhållande kommer inte att handla om sex…
If she likes a male, she can be extremely, noticeably awkward in her attempts to let him know, eg she may stare when she sees him or call him repeatedly. This is because she fixates and doesn’t understand societal gender roles. This will change with maturity.
Often prefers the company of animals but not always due to sensory issues.
När jag var yngre fattade jag kaka av sånt, men då såg jag väldigt bra ut så det löste sig av sig självt.
Tjejer vad känner ni igen er i på Rudy Simones lista?
Ingen mer som vill berätta? Vad stämmer å vad stämmer inte på er tjejer? Om nån klle vill svara kan ni berätta vad som stämmer även på er fast ni är killar.
Tjejer vad känner ni igen er i på Rudy Simones lista?
Gripandekylig, vilka påståenden i Rudys lista stämmer på dej då? Av de som hon menar på är annorlunda för tjejer. Alltså vänd på det och berätta vad som stämmer. Även på dig.
Tjejer vad känner ni igen er i på Rudy Simones lista?
AnnaSue skrev:Gripandekylig, vilka påståenden i Rudys lista stämmer på dej då? Av de som hon menar på är annorlunda för tjejer. Alltså vänd på det och berätta vad som stämmer. Även på dig.
Samtliga påståenden stämmer förutom de som jag radade upp tidigare. D.v.s. följande stämmer:
Appearance / Personal Habits:
Dresses comfortably due to sensory issues & practicality.
Will not spend much time on grooming and hair. Hairstyles usually have to be ‘wash and wear’. Can be quite happy not grooming at all at times.
Eccentric personality; may be reflected in appearance.
Is youthful for her age, in looks, dress, behavior and tastes.
May have many androgynous traits despite an outwardly feminine appearance. Thinks of herself as half-male / half-female.
May not have a strong sense of identity and can be very chameleon-like, especially before diagnosis.
Enjoys reading and films as a retreat, often scifi, fantasy, children’s, can have favorites which are a refuge.
Uses control as a stress management technique: rules, discipline, rigid in certain habits, which will contradict her seeming unconventionality.
Usually happiest at home or in other controlled environments.
Intellectual / Giftedness / Education / Vocation:
May have been diagnosed as autistic or Asperger’s when young, or may have been thought of as gifted, shy, sensitive, etc. May also have had obvious or severe learning deficits.
Often musical, artistic.
May have a savant skill or strong talent.
May have a strong interest in computers, games, science, graphic design, inventing, things of a technological and visual nature. More verbal thinkers may gravitate to writing, languages, cultural studies, psychology.
May be a self-taught reader, been hyperlexic as a child, and will possess a wide variety of other self-taught skills as well.
May be highly educated but will have had to struggle with social aspects of college. May have one or many partial degrees.
Can be very passionate about a course of study or job, and then change direction or go completely cold on it very quickly.
Highly intelligent, yet sometimes can be slow to comprehend due to sensory and cognitive processing issues.
Will not do well with verbal instruction — needs to write down or draw diagram.
Will have obsessions but they are not as unusual as her male counterpart’s (less likely to be a ‘train-spotter’).
Emotional / Physical:
Anxiety and fear are predominant emotions.
More open to talking about feelings and emotional issues than males with AS.
Strong sensory issues — sounds, sights, smells, touch, and prone to overload. (Less likely to have taste / food texture issues as males.)
Moody and prone to bouts of depression. May have been diagnosed as bi-polar or manic depressive (common comorbids of autism / AS) while the AS diagnosis was missed.
Probably given several different prescriptions to treat symptoms. Will be very sensitive to medications and anything else she puts in her body so may have had adverse reactions.
9 out of 10 have mild to severe gastro-intestinal difficulties — eg, ulcers, acid reflux, IBS, etc.
Stims to soothe when sad or agitated: rocking, face-rubbing, humming, finger flicking, leg bouncing, finger or foot-tapping, etc.
Similarly physical when happy: hand flapping, clapping, singing, jumping, running around, dancing, bouncing.
Hates injustice and hates to be misunderstood; this can incite anger and rage.
Prone to mutism when stressed or upset, esp. after a meltdown. Less likely to stutter than male counterparts but may have a raspy voice, monotone at times, when stressed or sad.
Social / Relationships:
Words and actions are often misunderstood by others.
Perceived to be cold-natured and self-centered; unfriendly.
Is very outspoken at times, may get very fired up when talking about passions / obsessive interests.
Can be very shy or mute.
Like her male counterpart, will shut down in social situations once overloaded, but is generally better at socializing in small doses. May even give the appearance of skilled, but it is a ‘performance’.
Doesn’t go out much. Will prefer to go out with partner only or children if she has them.
Will not have many girlfriends and will not do ‘girly’ things like shopping with them or have get-togethers to ‘hang out’.
Will have a close friend or friends in school, but not once adulthood is reached.
May or may not want to have a relationship. If she is in a relationship, she probably takes it very seriously, but she may choose to remain celibate or alone.
Due to sensory issues, will either really enjoy sex or strongly dislike it.
If she likes a male, she can be extremely, noticeably awkward in her attempts to let him know, eg she may stare when she sees him or call him repeatedly. This is because she fixates and doesn’t understand societal gender roles. This will change with maturity.
Often prefers the company of animals but not always due to sensory issues.
Summary of Some Main Female / Male AS Differences:
Better at mirroring than males and so may mirror many different types of personalities. Hence females may not have a strong sense of identity, and can be very chameleon-like, especially before diagnosis.
Will have obsessions but they are not as abstruse or unusual as her male counterpart’s and tend to be more practical (eg, less likely to be a ‘trainspotter’).
Less likely to receive early, correct diagnosis because the criteria is based on male behaviors / traits. (Hans Asperger studied males only.) More likely to be diagnosed as bi-polar or manic-depressive (common co-morbids of autism / AS).
Physical gestures / behaviors when happy more expressive than males: hand flapping, clapping, singing, jumping up and down, running around, dancing, bouncing — this pertains to adult women as well as girls.
Tends to receive less tolerance and more expectation from others, because she appears more adept.
Hate injustice and hates to be misunderstood; this can incite anger and rage meltdowns.
Less likely to stutter than male counterparts when stressed or upset; both may have raspy, choked or monotone voice or suffer mutism.
Females are generally better at socializing in small doses. May even give the appearance of skilled, but it is a ‘performance’. Like her male counterpart, will shut down in social situations once overloaded.
More likely to keep pets for emotional support but not always due to sensory issues.
- Gripandekylig
- Inlägg: 1620
- Anslöt: 2012-12-27
- Ort: Uppsala
Tjejer vad känner ni igen er i på Rudy Simones lista?
Det påståenden nedan anser jag att jag kvalificerar för. Jag är man och är inte brydd om min sexuella partners kön om det spelar roll.
Appearance / Personal Habits:
Dresses comfortably due to sensory issues & practicality.
Snarare praktiskt, skulle aldrig ha på mig kläder som jag inte kan springa i eller som på något sätt förhindrar min rörlighet. En princip så jag kvalificerar eventuellt inte.
Will not spend much time on grooming and hair. Hairstyles usually have to be ‘wash and wear’. Can be quite happy not grooming at all at times.
Eccentric personality; may be reflected in appearance.
Is youthful for her age, in looks, dress, behavior and tastes.
Tveksam. Gillar inte Big-Brother och lyssnar på klassiskt så ungdomlig smak har jag kanske inte?
Uses control as a stress management technique: rules, discipline, rigid in certain habits, which will contradict her seeming unconventionality.
Usually happiest at home or in other controlled environments.
Intellectual / Giftedness / Education / Vocation:
May have been diagnosed as autistic or Asperger’s when young, or may have been thought of as gifted, shy, sensitive, etc. May also have had obvious or severe learning deficits.
Often musical, artistic.
May have a savant skill or strong talent.
May have a strong interest in computers, games, science, graphic design, inventing, things of a technological and visual nature. More verbal thinkers may gravitate to writing, languages, cultural studies, psychology.
Can be very passionate about a course of study or job, and then change direction or go completely cold on it very quickly.
Will often have trouble holding onto a job and may find employment daunting.
Highly intelligent, yet sometimes can be slow to comprehend due to sensory and cognitive processing issues.
Emotional / Physical:
Emotionally immature and emotionally sensitive.
Emotionellt retarderad brukar jag kalla mig själv. Avsaknad av känslor vilket kanske inte är samma sak som omogen.
Moody and prone to bouts of depression. May have been diagnosed as bi-polar or manic depressive (common comorbids of autism / AS) while the AS diagnosis was missed.
Prone to mutism when stressed or upset, esp. after a meltdown. Less likely to stutter than male counterparts but may have a raspy voice, monotone at times, when stressed or sad.
Social / Relationships:
Words and actions are often misunderstood by others.
Perceived to be cold-natured and self-centered; unfriendly.
Is very outspoken at times, may get very fired up when talking about passions / obsessive interests.
Can be very shy or mute.
Doesn’t go out much. Will prefer to go out with partner only or children if she has them.
Will have a close friend or friends in school, but not once adulthood is reached.
May or may not want to have a relationship. If she is in a relationship, she probably takes it very seriously, but she may choose to remain celibate or alone.
Vill inte ha relation men det är väl omöjligt att inte kvalificera sig för den meningen "Vill eller vill inte ha en relation"?
Due to sensory issues, will either really enjoy sex or strongly dislike it.
Edit: Behövde ta bort ett påstående.
Appearance / Personal Habits:
Dresses comfortably due to sensory issues & practicality.
Snarare praktiskt, skulle aldrig ha på mig kläder som jag inte kan springa i eller som på något sätt förhindrar min rörlighet. En princip så jag kvalificerar eventuellt inte.
Will not spend much time on grooming and hair. Hairstyles usually have to be ‘wash and wear’. Can be quite happy not grooming at all at times.
Eccentric personality; may be reflected in appearance.
Is youthful for her age, in looks, dress, behavior and tastes.
Tveksam. Gillar inte Big-Brother och lyssnar på klassiskt så ungdomlig smak har jag kanske inte?
Uses control as a stress management technique: rules, discipline, rigid in certain habits, which will contradict her seeming unconventionality.
Usually happiest at home or in other controlled environments.
Intellectual / Giftedness / Education / Vocation:
May have been diagnosed as autistic or Asperger’s when young, or may have been thought of as gifted, shy, sensitive, etc. May also have had obvious or severe learning deficits.
Often musical, artistic.
May have a savant skill or strong talent.
May have a strong interest in computers, games, science, graphic design, inventing, things of a technological and visual nature. More verbal thinkers may gravitate to writing, languages, cultural studies, psychology.
Can be very passionate about a course of study or job, and then change direction or go completely cold on it very quickly.
Will often have trouble holding onto a job and may find employment daunting.
Highly intelligent, yet sometimes can be slow to comprehend due to sensory and cognitive processing issues.
Emotional / Physical:
Emotionally immature and emotionally sensitive.
Emotionellt retarderad brukar jag kalla mig själv. Avsaknad av känslor vilket kanske inte är samma sak som omogen.
Moody and prone to bouts of depression. May have been diagnosed as bi-polar or manic depressive (common comorbids of autism / AS) while the AS diagnosis was missed.
Prone to mutism when stressed or upset, esp. after a meltdown. Less likely to stutter than male counterparts but may have a raspy voice, monotone at times, when stressed or sad.
Social / Relationships:
Words and actions are often misunderstood by others.
Perceived to be cold-natured and self-centered; unfriendly.
Is very outspoken at times, may get very fired up when talking about passions / obsessive interests.
Can be very shy or mute.
Doesn’t go out much. Will prefer to go out with partner only or children if she has them.
Will have a close friend or friends in school, but not once adulthood is reached.
May or may not want to have a relationship. If she is in a relationship, she probably takes it very seriously, but she may choose to remain celibate or alone.
Vill inte ha relation men det är väl omöjligt att inte kvalificera sig för den meningen "Vill eller vill inte ha en relation"?
Due to sensory issues, will either really enjoy sex or strongly dislike it.
Edit: Behövde ta bort ett påstående.
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