Nyskrivna noveller om Kina

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Nyskrivna noveller om Kina

Inläggav Ganesh » 2008-08-26 23:10:36

Noveller om Kina inte om, men kanske apropå, olympiaden, skrivna av riktigt bra författare publiceras nu i The Guardian. Den första kom i måndags:

Fellow Traveller

Den är skriven Hari Kunzru, känd för bland annat romanen "The Buddha of Suburbia". Riktigt bra den med.

Fler noveller kommer att publiceras.
Inlägg: 3688
Anslöt: 2007-11-16
Ort: Varberg

Nyskrivna noveller om Kina

Inläggav Alien » 2013-03-30 4:12:18

Svårt att läsa längre stycken på skärmen, så sent om sider har jag läst Hari Kunzrus novell. Den börjar realistiskt men blir alltmer surrealistisk:

Fellow Traveller skrev:I spend a lot of time in the Special Entertainment Zone. The SEZ is a bar, and I give thanks for its existence. It's run by Dolly, who is Cantonese and converses in a fierce clipped English, prickly with sarcasm. "You here again today,"she will say when I walk in. "You nothing better to do with your life?"

"I don't know, Dolly."

"You lazy no good," she will reply, without particular rancour, more as a statement of fact than any kind of accusation. "What you want drink?"

Once Dolly and I got really plastered together. She opened a bottle of Baijiu white spirit and laughed into her hands and told me filthy Cantonese stories about castrating dragon-ladies and toad-like lechers and husbands with big wallets and small dicks. "You not believe," she said, toasting me unsteadily. "I believe," I said. "I believe". The next morning I felt so ill I wanted to die.

Fellow Traveller låter som det bara betyder "reskamrat" men betyder snarare "medlöpare".
wiki skrev:The English-language phrase came into vogue in the United States during the 1940s and 1950s as a pejorative term for a sympathizer of Communism or particular Communist states, who was nonetheless not a "card-carrying member" of a Communist party.

Det förekommer också pandor i novellen.
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Inlägg: 48026
Anslöt: 2007-08-13
Ort: Mellansvenska låglandet

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