Sex och kön och NPF

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Sex och kön och NPF

Inläggav Ganesh » 2008-05-09 8:46:16

Tips om böcker som diskuterar sånt som diskuterats på forumet: ... 49,00.html
Senast redigerad av Ganesh 2011-05-04 14:05:28, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
Inlägg: 3688
Anslöt: 2007-11-16
Ort: Varberg

Re: Sex och kön och NPF

Inläggav Alien » 2008-05-10 0:02:53

Ganesh skrev:Tips om böcker som diskuterar sånt som diskuterats på forumet: ... 49,00.html

Intressant artikel om två böcker av två olika Susans.

Susan Pinkers bok "The Sexual Paradox" verkar vara den enda som nämner NPF:
Pinker prods and pokes at this paradox by considering the successful careers of men previously diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger's and by interviewing formerly high-achieving women who have dropped out of corporate life.

En sann biologistisk slutsats:
'People are programmed,' she writes at one point. Women are 'built for comfort, not speed'. Testosterone makes the male of the species more vulnerable, but also more risk-taking. Oxytocin makes women more empathetic.

Känns som Susan Faludis bok "The Terror Dream" är mer i linje med mina åsikter.
In reality, men and women were equally powerless that September morning. But in the retelling, the firefighters (increasingly referred to as firemen) became heroes. The fact that many of them felt uncomfortable with this designation was ignored, as was the shocking knowledge that many fewer would have died had they had radios that worked. Rescue pictures almost invariably showed women being carried out of the World Trade Centre, even though three times as many men were in the buildings and three times as many died. Any women who attempted to present a more nuanced view (Susan Sontag, Arundhati Roy and Barbara Kingsolver in particular) were demonised and accused of emasculating America.

The romance of the vulnerable woman and the Ramboesque male reached its apotheosis in the saga of Private Jessica Lynch, whose injury in Iraq (actually in a car crash after considerable failures of command) was retold as rape and torture and whose rescue from a hospital where she had been well treated was used to attack the presence of women in the armed forces, as a 'stupid' decision 'to placate loud-mouthed feminists'. 'Women, they always need rescuing!' was the message and no one bothered to report Private Lynch's own account that the bravest and best soldier she had served alongside was a woman of Native American descent.

Men förhoppningsvis kommer den att översättas till svenska. Jag tycker det är jobbigt att läsa hela böcker på engelska.
Senast redigerad av Alien 2011-05-04 14:05:28, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
Inlägg: 47970
Anslöt: 2007-08-13
Ort: Mellansvenska låglandet

Inläggav Ganesh » 2008-05-10 0:46:39

Peppar peppar. Det är ungefär 97.3% chans att jag kommer att gilla Susan Faludis bok. Det är nog troligare att jag kommer att tycka den andra är intressant än att jag kommer att gilla den.
Inlägg: 3688
Anslöt: 2007-11-16
Ort: Varberg

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