In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
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Re: In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
marxisten skrev:Canarias: Kanaireöarna
Tenerife = Teneriffa

Re: In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Zima33 skrev:marxisten skrev:Canarias: Kanaireöarna
Tenerife = Teneriffa
Haha, det är bra du rättar mig Zima!

Re: In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
i morgon, Jag flyttar in i nya lägenhet.
Jag ska belyser er ätta foton
Jag är lyckad
Jag ska belyser er ätta foton

Jag är lyckad

Re: In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Du är lycklig - bra
Muy bien

Milden skrev:Jag ska belyser er äta foton![]()
Milden skrev:i morgon, Jag flyttar in i nya lägenhet
Muy bien

Re: In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Mortalis skrev:???
Confundí el verbo

I used another verb (Mistake) because I didn't read good

Jag förväxlade, Jag är trött, flytta är benig
vilsar..................Jag ska vilsa ätta foton för lägenhenten

Re: In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Milden skrev:flytta är benig
Sorry, I don´t understand what you mean, think you has choice wrong word here.
This meaning on english would be: "move is bony"...
Benig = bony
Re: In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
you has choice wrong word here
Yes, sorry

marxisten skrev:Benig = bony
Ohmm.....I wanted to say 'difficult'...kämpig?...
Re: In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Milden: You just reminded me how much I love languages! I feel really depressed right now, everything feels so empty, like there is nothing good left in the world. But this post put a HUGE SIMLE on my face! So thank you
My English isn't perfect, but I have learned much in a few years by writing letters in English (penpalling) and watch TV-series in English without any subtitle
Keep on learing!

My English isn't perfect, but I have learned much in a few years by writing letters in English (penpalling) and watch TV-series in English without any subtitle

Keep on learing!
- hysteriskt
- Inlägg: 796
- Anslöt: 2008-04-04
- Ort: Borås
Re: In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
marxisten skrev: think you has choice wrong word here.
have chosen

Sv: Re: In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Zima33 skrev:marxisten skrev: think you has choice wrong word here.
have chosen![]()

Sv: Re: In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Milden skrev:you has choice wrong word here
Yes, sorry, maybe I need a better dictionary.
marxisten skrev:Benig = bony
Ohmm.....I wanted to say 'difficult'...kämpig?...
Kämpigt funkar, men ett bättre ordval vore "jobbigt".
Re: In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
marxisten skrev:Kämpigt funkar, men ett bättre ordval vore "jobbigt".

Jag ska ha inte Internet i en vecka.
I will be a week without internet, The new house hasn't it.
Estaré una semana sin internet, la casa nueva no lo tiene.
Re: In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Hej igne, Jag är i en cyber
Jag studerade/var studerande mycket.
De här dagar har varit dåligº, jag är trött...deppad....
Unik taken uppmuntra mig är ni, ni är så , ni är mycket charmant
Jag ösnka job i Sverige.
Jag ska studera medicin.
Jag är lyckad att gör dig lyckad
Jag studerade/var studerande mycket.
De här dagar har varit dåligº, jag är trött...deppad....
Unik taken uppmuntra mig är ni, ni är så , ni är mycket charmant

Jag ösnka job i Sverige.
Jag ska studera medicin.
But this post put a HUGE SIMLE on my face! So thank you
Jag är lyckad att gör dig lyckad

In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Hi again
I'm going to continue studying Swedish ^^
I hope to learn enough to participate here

I'm going to continue studying Swedish ^^
I hope to learn enough to participate here

In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Zima33 skrev:marxisten skrev:Canarias: Kanaireöarna
Tenerife = Teneriffa
.. som handlar om hundar, canis, inte kanariefåglar, som många tror!
- Savanten Svante
- Frivilligt inaktiverad
- Inlägg: 10005
- Anslöt: 2007-03-13
- Ort: Utility muffin research kitchen
In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Hey Milden, I'm an Australian. If you need to use English for something, you can always ask me if you need help mate. Keep trying to learn Swedish first though, you'll be fine. It's not a difficult language, really. 

In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Chaos skrev:Hey Milden, I'm an Australian. If you need to use English for something, you can always ask me if you need help mate. Keep trying to learn Swedish first though, you'll be fine. It's not a difficult language, really.
Hi and thank you live in Australia?

Koala and frogs?

Zima33 skrev:Hej Milden!
Lycka till med studierna

.. som handlar om hundar, canis, inte kanariefåglar, som många tror!

In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Sweden.Milden skrev:Hi and thank you live in Australia?
In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Chaos skrev:Sweden.Milden skrev:Hi and thank you live in Australia?
"Ort: Stockholm"
I feel.....a little fool XD
In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Savanten Svante skrev:.. som handlar om hundar, canis, inte kanariefåglar, som många tror!
Milden skrev:verkligen?
Contrary to its name, the islands have little to nothing to do with the canary bird. Rather, it is the bird that is named after the islands, not the converse. The name Islas Canarias is likely derived from the Latin name Canariae Insulae, meaning "Island of the Dogs", a name applied originally only to Gran Canaria. According to the historian Pliny the Elder, the Mauritanian king Juba II named the island Canaria because it contained "vast multitudes of dogs of very large size".
- Savanten Svante
- Frivilligt inaktiverad
- Inlägg: 10005
- Anslöt: 2007-03-13
- Ort: Utility muffin research kitchen
In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Hi again.
I'm sad, because I can't learn Swedish by myself, i feel stupid
I really like Swedan, I want to live there one day.....
I would like to know more things about Swedan....I don't know...can you tell me something?
I can show you photographies of El Teide, a mountain in Tenerife:
And my class:
I'm sad, because I can't learn Swedish by myself, i feel stupid

I really like Swedan, I want to live there one day.....
I would like to know more things about Swedan....I don't know...can you tell me something?
I can show you photographies of El Teide, a mountain in Tenerife:
And my class:
In English!!! O Español!!! Magari Italiano!!!
Oh, I wouldn't come down on myself like that, you know. You may not have noticed but you're making good progress right here and now. Learning is really all about conditioning the brain into making new associations - that is the tricky part. Then at first you can do the actual learning.
Writing things down and then reading it back aloud I find a good method for learning, since that does activate a number of memory functions: visual, aural, muscular, vocal... and so on, so should one of those stick you're more likely to reuse that memory and reactivate those memory functions.
You may think of it as beneath your level of intellect, but good childrens' and adolesence's TV series/ serials could be the way to go for you. Myself I'm a particular fan of Jim Henson's work, such as Fraggle Rock/ Fragglarna. That would give you a good excercise routine of simple but usable language with perfect gramar and pronounciation + it's likely to be available in different languages too for reference.
Writing things down and then reading it back aloud I find a good method for learning, since that does activate a number of memory functions: visual, aural, muscular, vocal... and so on, so should one of those stick you're more likely to reuse that memory and reactivate those memory functions.
You may think of it as beneath your level of intellect, but good childrens' and adolesence's TV series/ serials could be the way to go for you. Myself I'm a particular fan of Jim Henson's work, such as Fraggle Rock/ Fragglarna. That would give you a good excercise routine of simple but usable language with perfect gramar and pronounciation + it's likely to be available in different languages too for reference.
- joey_truelove
- Inlägg: 296
- Anslöt: 2011-09-28
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