Flygande unixdator

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Flygande unixdator

Inläggav Miche » 2011-11-25 1:29:25

Hittat (via NyTeknik):
Dan Glass skrev:[Craig S Wright ] says: I was contracted to test the systems on a Boeing 747. They had added a new video system that ran over IP. They segregated this from the control systems using layer 2 - VLANs. We managed to break the VLANs and access other systems and with source routing could access the Engine management systems.

The response, "the engine management system is out of scope."

For those who do not know, 747's are big flying Unix hosts. At the time, the engine management system on this particular airline was Solaris based. The patching was well behind and they used telnet as SSH broke the menus and the budget did not extend to fixing this. The engineers could actually access the engine management system of a 747 in route. If issues are noted, they can re-tune the engine in air.

The issue here is that all that separated the engine control systems and the open network was NAT based filters. There were (and as far as I know this is true today), no extrusion controls. They filter incoming traffic, but all outgoing traffic is allowed. For those who engage in Pen Testing and know what a shoveled shell is... I need not say more.


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Inlägg: 28797
Anslöt: 2009-01-08
Ort: Karlholmsbruk

Flygande unixdator

Inläggav matgar » 2011-11-25 3:16:47

Intresant läsning, särskilt om man går tillbaka till orginal posten som innehöll mer en bara 747 informationen.

Dock blir jag väldigt konfunderad när han blandar teknologier som NAT och VLAN som inte har nått alls gemensamt.

Slutsatsen jag tror vi kan dra av det hela är att det finns säkerhetshål dom inte tänkt på när man börjar koppla upp system vars primära säkerhets lösning varit isolation.
Inlägg: 833
Anslöt: 2011-07-15
Ort: Solna

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