Missförstånd och ignorans i akutsituation

Vårdfrågor, medicinska aspekter samt forskning- och vetenskapsämnen.

 Moderatorer: Alien, atoms

Missförstånd och ignorans i akutsituation

Inläggav pizza » 2011-11-02 23:10:42

Jag har läst här ganska mycket men inte gjort ett konto tidigare eftersom jag inte haft någon anledning att posta något men nu har jag det.
Flera har sagt att jag borde tala om/publicera vad som hände mig i torsdags och jag tänkte att för er är det relevant att veta.

Det är ganska långt men detaljerna är det som är viktigt med den här händelsen så... ja

I woke on wednesday morning unable to use my vocal cords, no idea why they don't work but I was able to wisper by the evning.
Thursday morning it didn't work at all again and when I tried to take deep breaths I started to cough but my astmaspray helped make it better.
When I was on my way home from school I saw something that triggerd my PTSD and it got even harder to breathe and right then
my astmaspray decided to break so I could only take very small breaths but I stayed calm.
My fiance was at work and my neighbor(/good friend) was still at school and I thought I shouldn't be at home by self in case
it got worse so I walked to the healthcenter that's very close to my house and I wrote on a note
"Voice broken, out of astmaspray and close to feeling panic"
(I can still only take very short breaths and now bearly stand straight couse of lack of oxygen)
She tells me to go to the waitingroom and goes to get a nurse, she then takes me in to a room and asks for my personnumber,
I write it down and give it to her and she says that I'm not registerd to this healthcenter and then stares at me, waiting for an answer
I point to the note where it says out of astmaspray so she will understand that I just went to the closest one, she stears at me for a bit longer then goes and get a doctor.
(I am now hanging over the table couse I'm to dizzy to sitt straight)
He sits down and asks what the problem is and I point to my hand (where I have written "voice broken") and then to the note out of astmaspray, he looks on the computer and says that I have no prescription of any astmamedicin,
I write "2 years", he asks if I got the medicing 2 years ago, I nod, he stares at me then asks if I stole it from a friend.
(I'm bearly getting any air at all)
The nurse says that I should lay on the bed so I can get more air and pats me on the back,
I try to move to the side so she will stop touching me but she doesn't.
I don't want to go to the bed couse if I lay down I know it will only make me cough,
but I have no way of comunicating that and she gets another nurse and they lift me by the arms and I walk with their
help to the bed and sitt on it.
They make me lay down and keep trying to comforting me eventho I keep puching away their hands
(I start to cough alot and getting almost no air).
One nurse asks who she should call and tell that I'm there and she hands me my phone and I show her the number of my neighbor
(he knows abit signlanguage so he would be able to understand me), another nurse is reading on the computer and then she
must have seen my diagnoses couse she vispers autistic and aspergers to the others and now they finaly stop pating me.
A psycologist comes it to the room and everyone else leaves
(My coughs are getting worse and are constand)
she asks if I've had it tough lately and tries to pat me on my arm,
I pull away and she keeps asking questions with a childish voice eventhough it's obvious that I wouldn't be able to answer
even if I wanted to couse they took away the notepad and I'm coughing to violently to be able to talk even if I had a voice.
She goes away and after a couple of minutes they comeback with some calming pill that they want me to take,
I shake my head couse I get manic from those but I can't get them to understand that
they say that I have to take the pill and just stand there stearing so I take it so they won't say that I'm uncooperative.
I cry and sign "call Emil" and the doctor tells the others that I know signlanguage.
Then they put me on a bed with wheels and roll me into an ambulance.
They start taking lots of tests, pating me on my arm, saying that they heard that it had been rough with my boyfriend recently
(absolutly no idea why they think that (or how it could be related)) and talking on the radio saying "intubating" "soon there" "narcosis".
I show I want to write and they give me a notepad
I write "autistic" "no narcosis" and they say okey no narcosis and stop touching and talking to me.
They take me out of the ambulance and in to a room with lots of big machines and about 10 people in it.
they make me get on the bed in the middle of the room and 4 people start putting on things on my arms and taking blood
I try to show that I want to write but nobody responds, about 5 people are just standing there and stearing.
I start to cry (still coughing and not getting any air)
and try to push away their hands and then they try to put on a mask on me
I hit it and try to get out of the bed,
one of the nurses stands right next to the bed so I can't get my legs down and I try to puch him away but he wont budge.
I push away everyones hands and show that I want to write and they give me a notepad
I write "I want my coat" "What are you doing" "whats in the mask",
the doctor says "ofcourse we wont do anything without telling you what we are doing
(ignoring the fact that they've just done atleast 5 things to me without one word directed at me).
The mask contains the same stuff that astmaspray does so I let them put it on
(note that it's now been over an hour sence I asked for astmaspray)
(my stress from them ignoring what I try to comunicate and that I can't control what they are doing has made my
breathing problem far worse then astma-medicin-treatable and my throut is getting very dry from the coughing)
A nurse tries to put in a central line and I try to stop her and a doctor comes and says that he is going to put a camera in
my nose so he can look in my throut
I hit his arm and write that I want to go to the bathroom.
(I would never ever be able to stand anything put trough my nose)
They rolled me to the bathroom after they put anesthetic in my nose
(a long nasal spray that ran down to my trought and made me cough more)
I still cough constantly but I'm getting abit more air so I can go the bathroom by my self and
when I'm finiched I try to go the exit but they wont let me,
I try to take out the central line but they wont let me and I have to go with them back to the room.
There are less people and machines in there now and they make me sitt on the bed but I wont lay down
(I now switch between holding my breath and coughing)
The doctor says he is going to look with the camera in my nose
I hit away his arm
He says that he has to do it so he can help me but I don't respond
They take my bed and roll in trough the hospital (write a text to Emil to come to the nose and ear part)
to a room thats almost empty and the doctor is there with his camera
I get to sitt in the chair in front of him and he says that he has to look so that he can help me and shows how he's
going to do it and I keep looking away on the floor.
He says that he can look in my mouth with a mirror instead and I let him do that.
He tells me to say AAA but I don't even try couse if I could do that I wouldn't even be there.
He tries to listen to my lungs but I can only take one breath about every 10 seconds
A nurse comes in an gives me a mask with adrenalin in it so I will be able to breathe better
I try to take out the central line, the nurse stops me, I do it agein so she removes it.
I take of the mask and go put on my coat (I hold my breath so much that it's just a waste to have it on.)
The nurse makes me sitt in the chair and drink some medicin.
Emil comes in and talks a bit with the doctor, the nurse tells him to convinse me to put on the mask.
I go towards the door, the doctor says that I can't leave yet, at least an hour for observation or at least till I can breat properly
I keep walking to the door and the doctor tells Emil that if it gets bad again I have to come back right away.
It's now been 3 hours from when I first walked in and just wanted one dose of astmamedicin.
I got a prescription of pencilin and cough medicin and neither of those have a chanse at affecting my vocal cords in anyway.
Ny medlem
Inlägg: 2
Anslöt: 2011-11-02

Re: Missförstånd och ignorans i akutsituation

Inläggav nano » 2011-11-02 23:49:55

Det hela verkar ju som om de inte förstår dig tycker jag men varför är texten på engelska?
Inlägg: 6161
Anslöt: 2008-06-20
Ort: /home/Jorden/Stockholm

Re: Missförstånd och ignorans i akutsituation

Inläggav kullan » 2011-11-02 23:55:50

Eftersom den var skriven på engelska så orkade jag inte läsa texten. Ett tips är nog att översätta den till svenska.
Inlägg: 28595
Anslöt: 2011-04-15
Ort: Katastroflandet Jag

Re: Missförstånd och ignorans i akutsituation

Inläggav Iridia » 2011-11-03 0:14:23

Pizza kanske beskrev det hela på något engelskspråkigt forum och återanvände texten här?

Om detta är sant så borde det vara ett fall för Hälso- och sjukvårdsnämnden http://www.sll.se/sll/templates/NormalP ... x?id=26772
Inlägg: 4617
Anslöt: 2011-09-22

Re: Missförstånd och ignorans i akutsituation

Inläggav pizza » 2011-11-03 17:57:42

Jag tycker det är lättare att skriva på engelska och trodde inte det skulle bli ett problem
vad ska man göra med Hälso och sjukvårdsnämnden?
Ny medlem
Inlägg: 2
Anslöt: 2011-11-02

Re: Missförstånd och ignorans i akutsituation

Inläggav Iridia » 2011-11-03 20:14:39

pizza skrev:Jag tycker det är lättare att skriva på engelska och trodde inte det skulle bli ett problem

Det här är ett svenskt forum och alla kan inte engelska så bra.

Vad ska man göra med Hälso och sjukvårdsnämnden?

Anmäla. Brukar vara svårt att få rätt dock, men det borde anmälas av ren princip, tycker jag. (Om du orkar.) Sådär får man inte behandla patienter, särskilt inte med kombinationen astma/autismspektrumtillstånd.
Inlägg: 4617
Anslöt: 2011-09-22

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