Scifi movie posters from an alternate universe

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Scifi movie posters from an alternate universe

Inläggav Le_inimitable » 2010-08-21 22:17:56

"Somewhere in a universe not unlike our own, David Carradine starred in Blade Runner, Sidney Poitier played Morpheus to Bruce Lee's Neo, Tim Curry got his own Joker movie, and Robo Cop was a 1970s porno."
Inlägg: 1044
Anslöt: 2008-10-26

Inläggav Pemer » 2010-08-21 23:27:35

Aaaahh.... Malkovich som Jason... hehehe...

Man kunde vända på det också... "I huvudet på Jason Voorhees"... :)
Inlägg: 13591
Anslöt: 2007-02-08
Ort: Grödinge

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