Varför man ska lita på människor.
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Varför man ska lita på människor.
Hans bok ska man kolla in också.
Hans bok ska man kolla in också.
- Smokescreen
- Inaktiv
- Inlägg: 621
- Anslöt: 2010-05-04
Kiaaah kiaaah kiaaah!
Skönt att man faktiskt har funnit någon som utvecklade en
terapiform som utgår efter hur man själv bara har kommit att tänka.
Kiaaah kiaaah kiaaah!
Skönt att man faktiskt har funnit någon som utvecklade en
terapiform som utgår efter hur man själv bara har kommit att tänka.

- Smokescreen
- Inaktiv
- Inlägg: 621
- Anslöt: 2010-05-04
Born in 1905, Viktor E. Frankl received the degrees of Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Vienna. During World War II he spent three years at Auschwitz, Dachau and other concentration camps.
Through four decades Dr. Frankl made innumerable lecture tours throughout the world. He received honorary degrees from 29 universities in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. He held numerous awards, among them the Oskar Pfister Award of the American Psychiatric Association and an Honorary Membership of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Viktor Frankl died 1997 in Vienna.
This book came to my attention in the winter of 2005 while I was wprking as a monitor in Central Park for Christo's and Jeanne Claude's Gates project. It was a time in my life when I was experiencing deep personal grief, and uncertainty. The Gates took over Central Park for February, though it was cold the park recorded visitors in numbers that rivaled a sunny spring day. People had flown in from all around the world to see The Gates, especially from Germany, where the fabric, the only component of the Gates made outside of America, was made. My job as a monitor was to walk around a designated area, correcting gates that had blown up over the frame, answer questions, and hand out sample swatches of the fabric. I am not one to stay in one place too long so I would wander around the park taking in the experience of walking under the gates. I had wandered to a section near th Columbus Circle entrance of the park and there I met Olaf, a homeless man in his early forties, who would for lack of a beter word, set up camp on a rock formation just over a grassy knoll from the main path, he would carry four or five black plastic garbage bags of his belongings in and of the park in the morning and at night, because there is a midnight curfew in the park. I started talking with him and he was exclaiming how magnificient the gates were, he had a positive attitude for a homless person, he really was more like a hobo, a traveler, he told me he collected cloth and showed me some in one of his bags, I offered him a swatch of the gates cloth, which was a hot commodity we were always running out but I kept a couple that I didn't give away in case I ran into a friend or occasions like this. "Here, to remember the gates". He declined the offer and said he would always carry the gates in his heart. I went back everyday after that and we would talk for half an hour or so, I found out he had lived on the streets of Japan, his parents were a proffesor and minister, he would say, "work is my favorite sport" I never told him the details of my trouble but he could tell I was troubled, and we would talk about Philosophy and Religion. It was in the course of all this that at some point he told me Victor Frankl had said " There are two types of people who return from hell, those who bring anger, and Chaos and Destruction, and those who bring Love." oor something to that effect, as an artist that statement hit me in my core, that's what we do we return from hell, we bring love and make beauty. He told me to read Man's Search for Meaning, that he reads it, and it has keeps him going. I did eventually buy the book and read it, It came to me when I needed it's message, It came to me when I was battling deep within me to keep going, and came acompanied by a hobo, traveler, teacher who passed on to me the message that a survivor of the holocaust brought back from hell, a message of how to survive so you can return, and how to be when you do.
I hope you find this message as I did, at a time you need it
or remember it for a time you will
I carry it as Olaf carries it
As it was passed to me I pass it to you
carry it and if it serves you then when you can pass it on
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Through four decades Dr. Frankl made innumerable lecture tours throughout the world. He received honorary degrees from 29 universities in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. He held numerous awards, among them the Oskar Pfister Award of the American Psychiatric Association and an Honorary Membership of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Viktor Frankl died 1997 in Vienna.
This book came to my attention in the winter of 2005 while I was wprking as a monitor in Central Park for Christo's and Jeanne Claude's Gates project. It was a time in my life when I was experiencing deep personal grief, and uncertainty. The Gates took over Central Park for February, though it was cold the park recorded visitors in numbers that rivaled a sunny spring day. People had flown in from all around the world to see The Gates, especially from Germany, where the fabric, the only component of the Gates made outside of America, was made. My job as a monitor was to walk around a designated area, correcting gates that had blown up over the frame, answer questions, and hand out sample swatches of the fabric. I am not one to stay in one place too long so I would wander around the park taking in the experience of walking under the gates. I had wandered to a section near th Columbus Circle entrance of the park and there I met Olaf, a homeless man in his early forties, who would for lack of a beter word, set up camp on a rock formation just over a grassy knoll from the main path, he would carry four or five black plastic garbage bags of his belongings in and of the park in the morning and at night, because there is a midnight curfew in the park. I started talking with him and he was exclaiming how magnificient the gates were, he had a positive attitude for a homless person, he really was more like a hobo, a traveler, he told me he collected cloth and showed me some in one of his bags, I offered him a swatch of the gates cloth, which was a hot commodity we were always running out but I kept a couple that I didn't give away in case I ran into a friend or occasions like this. "Here, to remember the gates". He declined the offer and said he would always carry the gates in his heart. I went back everyday after that and we would talk for half an hour or so, I found out he had lived on the streets of Japan, his parents were a proffesor and minister, he would say, "work is my favorite sport" I never told him the details of my trouble but he could tell I was troubled, and we would talk about Philosophy and Religion. It was in the course of all this that at some point he told me Victor Frankl had said " There are two types of people who return from hell, those who bring anger, and Chaos and Destruction, and those who bring Love." oor something to that effect, as an artist that statement hit me in my core, that's what we do we return from hell, we bring love and make beauty. He told me to read Man's Search for Meaning, that he reads it, and it has keeps him going. I did eventually buy the book and read it, It came to me when I needed it's message, It came to me when I was battling deep within me to keep going, and came acompanied by a hobo, traveler, teacher who passed on to me the message that a survivor of the holocaust brought back from hell, a message of how to survive so you can return, and how to be when you do.
I hope you find this message as I did, at a time you need it
or remember it for a time you will
I carry it as Olaf carries it
As it was passed to me I pass it to you
carry it and if it serves you then when you can pass it on
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- Smokescreen
- Inaktiv
- Inlägg: 621
- Anslöt: 2010-05-04