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Inläggav Den förfärlige snömannen » 2009-12-23 21:56:39

Det finns en musiktråd och en videotråd. Jag tycker det behövs en text-tråd också, där man kan länka till bra texter.

t.ex. så här:


The Republic of Technology, Daniel J. Boorstin


Civilisationskritik från förr, 70-talet närmare bestämt.

Boorstin skrev:THE NEW CONVERGENCE. The supreme law of the Republic of Technology is convergence, the tendency for everything to become more like everything else. Now the distinction is seldom made between nations that are "civilized" and those that are "uncivilized." Today, when we rely on the distinction between the "developed" and the "underdeveloped" or "developing" countries, we see the experience of all peoples converging. The common standard enables us to measure the rate of convergence statistically—by G.N.P., by per capita annual income and by rates of growth.


God and the state, Mikhail Bakunin


För den som inte vet så var Bakunin en känd anarkist från Ryssland som var bra på att säga kraftfulla saker om sånt han inte tyckte om, t.ex. gud och staten. Detta var under andra halvan av 1800-talet.

Bakunin skrev:Yes, our first ancestors, our Adams and our Eves, were, if not gorillas, very near relatives of gorillas, omnivorous, intelligent and ferocious beasts, endowed in a higher degree than the animals of another species with two precious faculties - the power to think and the desire to rebel.


Future Primitive, John Zerzan


Den här har jag länkat till flera gånger. Bättre förr, är vad den handlar om. Tillbaka till stenåldern, för de som inte var med förra gången jag tjatade om det.

Zerzan skrev:... our pre-civilized existence of deprivation, brutality, and ignorance made authority a benevolent gift that rescued us from savagery. "Cave man" and `Neanderthal' are still invoked to remind us where we would be without religion, government, and toil.

This ideological view of our past has been radically overturned in recent decades, through the work of academics like Richard Lee and Marshall Sahlins. A nearly complete reversal in anthropological orthodoxy has come about, with important implications. Now we can see that life before domestication/agriculture was in fact largely one of leisure, intimacy with nature, sensual wisdom, sexual equality, and health. This was our human nature, for a couple of million years, prior to enslavement by priests, kings, and bosses.
Den förfärlige snömannen
Inlägg: 1871
Anslöt: 2009-05-30
Ort: Göteborg

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