'Earth 2100': Is this the Final Century of Our Civilization
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'Earth 2100': Is this the Final Century of Our Civilization
Length: 83 min
Description: Science, Sociopolitical, Technology Documentary hosted by Bob Woodruff and published by Others in 2009 - English narration
Its an idea that most of us would rather not face -- that within the next century, life as we know it could come to an end. Our civilization could crumble, leaving only traces of modern human existence behind.To change the future, first you have to imagine it. It seems outlandish, extreme -- even impossible. But according to cutting edge scientific research, it is a very real possibility. And unless we make drastic changes now, it could very well happen.
Experts have a stark warning: that unless we change course, the "perfect storm" of population growth, dwindling resources and climate change has the potential to converge in the next century with catastrophic results. In order to plan for the worst, we must anticipate it. In that spirit, guided by some of the worlds experts, ABC News "Earth 2100," hosted by Bob Woodruff, will journey through the next century and explore what might be our worst-case scenario.
Length: 83 min
Description: Science, Sociopolitical, Technology Documentary hosted by Bob Woodruff and published by Others in 2009 - English narration
Its an idea that most of us would rather not face -- that within the next century, life as we know it could come to an end. Our civilization could crumble, leaving only traces of modern human existence behind.To change the future, first you have to imagine it. It seems outlandish, extreme -- even impossible. But according to cutting edge scientific research, it is a very real possibility. And unless we make drastic changes now, it could very well happen.
Experts have a stark warning: that unless we change course, the "perfect storm" of population growth, dwindling resources and climate change has the potential to converge in the next century with catastrophic results. In order to plan for the worst, we must anticipate it. In that spirit, guided by some of the worlds experts, ABC News "Earth 2100," hosted by Bob Woodruff, will journey through the next century and explore what might be our worst-case scenario.
Senast redigerad av Moggy 2011-05-04 19:52:43, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
Parvlon skrev:Undra hur många av alla de här "drastiska förändringar" som de vill pracka på oss, folk kommer att skratta åt framöver?
Kanske, eller så finns det ingen kvar som kan skratta....
Senast redigerad av Moggy 2011-05-04 19:52:43, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
Den som lever får se.Moggy skrev:Parvlon skrev:Undra hur många av alla de här "drastiska förändringar" som de vill pracka på oss, folk kommer att skratta åt framöver?
Kanske, eller så finns det ingen kvar som kan skratta....

Jag tycker att det är pinsamt att folk måste bli rädda för världens undergång bara för att vi nästan har slut på olja och måste gå tillbaka några steg.
Senast redigerad av Parvlon 2011-05-04 19:52:43, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
Maya hade fel! De hade vänt på siffrorna! Det är 2102 som mänskligheten utplånas av strålning som penetrerar vår atmosfär på ett sätt aldrig tidigare förutsett. Vi kommer dö av en s k Death Star! Jag har sett det, jag är gud och alla hans änglar i en lunchbox på väg mot döden.
Jag är ...
Jag är ...
Jag är galen.
Jag är ...
Jag är ...
Jag är galen.
- earlydayminer
- Inlägg: 12419
- Anslöt: 2008-03-11
- Ort: Wermland