Autism och MAOA

Vårdfrågor, medicinska aspekter samt forskning- och vetenskapsämnen.

 Moderatorer: Alien, atoms

Autism och MAOA

Inläggav Quagmire » 2020-12-15 12:09:21

Autism severity is associated with child and maternal MAOA genotypes. We replicated and extended a previously reported association between autism severity and a functional polymorphism in the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) promoter region, MAOA-uVNTR, in a sample of 119 males, aged 2-13 years, with autism spectrum disorder from simplex families. We demonstrated that (i) boys with the low activity 3-repeat MAOA allele had more severe sensory behaviors, arousal regulation problems, and aggression, and worse social communication skills than males with the high activity allele; and (ii) problems with aggression, as well as with fears and rituals, were modified by the mothers' genotype. Boys with the 4-repeat high activity allele who had homozygous 4-repeat mothers showed increased severity of these behaviors relative to those born to heterozygous mothers. These findings indicate the importance of considering maternal genotype in examining associations of MAOA and other genes with behavior in male offspring.

Intressant. Hur autistisk en person är verkar alltså till viss del bero på krigargenen. Aggressivitet ses också hos möss som har dessa genetiska sammansättningar, liksom personlighetsstörningar (psykopati).
Inlägg: 186
Anslöt: 2020-11-17

Autism och MAOA

Inläggav Heidi79 » 2020-12-15 12:15:08

Quagmire skrev:
Intressant. Hur autistisk en person är verkar alltså till viss del bero på krigargenen. Aggressivitet ses också hos möss som har dessa genetiska sammansättningar, liksom personlighetsstörningar (psykopati).

min pappa va (eller e) krigar på riktigt :-)063

Kan va ja har autism därför min pappa e militär? :-)005
Inlägg: 1511
Anslöt: 2009-06-22

Autism och MAOA

Inläggav Heidi79 » 2020-12-15 12:15:44

Nä..inte ja tror e grunden :-)005
Inlägg: 1511
Anslöt: 2009-06-22

Autism och MAOA

Inläggav Quagmire » 2020-12-15 12:21:18

The two monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzymes, A and B, catalyze the metabolism of monoamine neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. The phenotypic outcomes of MAO congenital deficiency have been studied in humans and animal models, to explore the role of these enzymes in behavioral regulation. The clinical condition caused by MAOA deficiency, Brunner syndrome, was first described as a disorder characterized by overt antisocial and aggressive conduct. Building on this discovery, subsequent studies were focused on the characterization of the role of MAOA in the neurobiology of antisocial conduct. MAO A knockout mice were found to display high levels of intermale aggression; however, further analyses of these mutants unveiled additional behavioral abnormalities mimicking the core symptoms of autism-spectrum disorder. These findings were strikingly confirmed in newly reported cases of Brunner syndrome. The role of MAOB in behavioral regulation remains less well-understood, even though Maob-deficient mice have been found to exhibit greater behavioral disinhibition and risk-taking responses, supporting previous clinical studies showing associations between low MAO B activity and impulsivity. Furthermore, lack of MAOB was found to exacerbate the severity of psychopathological deficits induced by concurrent MAOA deficiency. Here, we summarize how the convergence of clinical reports and behavioral phenotyping in mutant mice has helped frame a complex picture of psychopathological features in MAO-deficient individuals, which encompass a broad spectrum of neurodevelopmental problems. This emerging knowledge poses novel conceptual challenges towards the identification of the endophenotypes shared by autism-spectrum disorder, antisocial behavior and impulse-control problems, as well as their monoaminergic underpinnings.
Inlägg: 186
Anslöt: 2020-11-17

Autism och MAOA

Inläggav Kentarou » 2021-02-06 20:15:36

Är inte krigargenen något som rasister använder för att avhumanisera ickevita?
Inlägg: 763
Anslöt: 2019-05-17

Autism och MAOA

Inläggav Richard » 2021-02-06 23:53:28

Jag har haft medicin som hämmar MAO A, men den gjorde ingen större skillnad, vare sig mot min asperger eller mot aggressivitet. Finns MAO B-hämmare också, samt medicin som tar bort allt MAO.
Inlägg: 4096
Anslöt: 2005-10-12
Ort: Ängelholm

Autism och MAOA

Inläggav slackern » 2021-02-06 23:55:34

Kentarou skrev:Är inte krigargenen något som rasister använder för att avhumanisera ickevita?

Fan å jag som trodde att den vildsinte vikingen var den ariska idealmannen.
Inlägg: 44375
Anslöt: 2010-10-26
Ort: Stockholm

Autism och MAOA

Inläggav Odal_ » 2021-02-07 3:13:06

Richard skrev:Jag har haft medicin som hämmar MAO A, men den gjorde ingen större skillnad, vare sig mot min asperger eller mot aggressivitet. Finns MAO B-hämmare också, samt medicin som tar bort allt MAO.

MAO hämmare är ju emot depression och är till för att höja serotoninet.
MAO är redan hämmat om du har krigargenen.
MAOa ska typ rensa synapserna på serotonin ligger en massa serotonin och skräpar i synapsen får du låg serotonin nivå vilket gör människor aggressiva.
Inlägg: 1324
Anslöt: 2019-12-29

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