Monarch vs Republic

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Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-07-27 10:57:15

Actually I am pretty disappointed in you.

You are completely different from what I had imagined.
I had always imagined the Republicans like Oscar from Rose of Versailles.
I thought you are righteous freedom fighters
Reality is Cruel
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Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Dagobert » 2018-07-27 18:35:56

KokujohSayaka skrev:As a matter of fact, we felt no reluctance in accepting the joining of Republican parties to World Aspergers Organization, and actually in the beginning we even tried to recruit Republican comrades from Western Republics too,

You actually even tried...sounds like you went out of your way. But a world organisation should of course try to recruit everybody.

Dagobert skrev:
Dagobert skrev:WHY MONARCHY? I can't see that you have answered that question. Monarchy seems to be very important to you. Wanting to suppress half the world's aspergers because of that is a little strange for a "world movement".

KokujohSayaka skrev:Well ... it's a long story.
In the first place, since WAO initially was a movement founded and based in Japan, it (I mean the Monarchy) was somewhat self-evident. (...)

That was NOT a long story: Because Japan is a monarchy.
The rest had nothing to do with my question.
Is that your answer to "Why monarchy?"?

Well, why should asperger country be a monarchy? Because Japan is, or what?

KokujohSayaka skrev:Lol republicans are always so angry :-)Raging . Why are you always so angry?
What are your points with the exception of anti-monarchism?

Has anyone here said he was anti-monarchist or republican?
I only want to know WHY asperger country should be a MONARCHY.

KokujohSayaka skrev:I have to say you should have more positive messages about substantial goals if you really want to win the competition with us.

What competition? Who are "us"?
Inlägg: 14754
Anslöt: 2010-11-30

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-07-28 6:11:15

>WHY asperger country should be a MONARCHY.

This is most certainly because we think that Their Majesties the Princesses are divine or something absurd like that lol

You know it is a bit creepy that Republicans often repeat the same question again and again without reacting to our answers.
It is obvious that the time like this you Republicans are driving at somewhere, but I'm sorry It appears that I am missing your point.

Could you give me an example answer?

>sounds like you went out of your way
>a world organisation should of course try to recruit everybody.

Of course we went out of our way then lol you know we are Royalists, not Republicans.
I mean though everybody who accept the democracy have the right join to WAO but we do not recruit everybody. We recruit whom we want.
We tried to recruit Republicans was not because you were everybody but because we wanted Republican member-parties and you Republican Aspergers as our members!

Of course we want and we are ready to help the mission of Asperger Republic, but you must understand that
we can not fight for Republicanism or for anything instead of you or of anyone, You must do it yourself!

>What competition?

Monarchism vs Republicism

Dagobert skrev:
KokujohSayaka skrev:As a matter of fact, we felt no reluctance in accepting the joining of Republican parties to World Aspergers Organization, and actually in the beginning we even tried to recruit Republican comrades from Western Republics too,

You actually even tried...sounds like you went out of your way. But a world organisation should of course try to recruit everybody.

Dagobert skrev:
Dagobert skrev:WHY MONARCHY? I can't see that you have answered that question. Monarchy seems to be very important to you. Wanting to suppress half the world's aspergers because of that is a little strange for a "world movement".

KokujohSayaka skrev:Well ... it's a long story.
In the first place, since WAO initially was a movement founded and based in Japan, it (I mean the Monarchy) was somewhat self-evident. (...)

That was NOT a long story: Because Japan is a monarchy.
The rest had nothing to do with my question.
Is that your answer to "Why monarchy?"?

Well, why should asperger country be a monarchy? Because Japan is, or what?

KokujohSayaka skrev:Lol republicans are always so angry :-)Raging . Why are you always so angry?
What are your points with the exception of anti-monarchism?

Has anyone here said he was anti-monarchist or republican?
I only want to know WHY asperger country should be a MONARCHY.

KokujohSayaka skrev:I have to say you should have more positive messages about substantial goals if you really want to win the competition with us.

What competition? Who are "us"?
Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-07-28 11:23:07

Republicans act and think like they would be a single issue party. It cause me uneasiness.
I mean, for us, the Committees(a.k.a Royalists), the Monarchism is the first but not even the most important aim.

Just some examples: Democratism, Sovereignism, Union with ADHDs, "at least equal" Sovereignity of Neurotypicals to Aspergers and ADHDs are higher on the list of priorities. I dare to say even Capitalism has importance comparable to the monarchism.

On the other hand, the Republicans looks like they have eyes only for is the form of Government. Republicans do not usually have even economic programs - on rare occasions they had, they were Communists.
You know, a typical conversation with Republicans in most cases sounds like this:

A. Let's found an Asperger State! Principles are Royalism, Sovereignism, Democratism, Capitalism!
Q. Royalism? Why Monarchy?
A. We want to back up the Descendants of Hans I to the throne. Hail to the Prinzessinnen! Let's join forces with Royalist International.
Q. Why Monarchy?
A. Because our aim is a modernist constitutional monarchy modeled after Japan.
Q. Why Monarchy?
A. If you prefer other form of government, we actually feel no reluctance in accepting the joining of Republican parties
Q. Why Monarchy?
A. Can you give me more details about your unsatisfaction?
Q. Why Monarchy?
A. What are your specific goals politically?
Q. Why Monarchy?
A. Are you talking to me?
Q. Why Monarchy?
A. ...
Q. Why Monarchy?
Q. Why Monarchy?
Q. Why Monarchy?

I also experienced that Republicans are terrifyingly indifferent towards our conception about the democratic system of our government. Really. They do not have a single nibble. "Monarchy" is the only word they react to! As a natural result of which is that at the moment Republicans contribute not at all to our Constitution draft yet. They haven't even worked out a bill but let alone have proposed a subject for discussion.
Their behavior is as much as to say they would be satisfied with a Dictatorship as long as its form of government is Republic.

It cannot stay like this.
We need republican comrades with productive thinking who could help us to design a constructive relationship between Asperger Royalism and Republicanism!
Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Dagobert » 2018-07-28 19:38:03

I'm neither a republican nor a monarchist, I haven't even thought about it. I am a democrat. Stop calling me an undemocratic republican.

KokujohSayaka skrev:You know it is a bit creepy that Republicans often repeat the same question again and again without reacting to our answers.

That's because you don't answer the question. Instead you call whoever is asking a republican.

KokujohSayaka skrev:It is obvious that the time like this you Republicans are driving at somewhere, but I'm sorry It appears that I am missing your point.

What I'm driving at is this: I thought you wanted to create a country for all aspergers. If I am going to live there, I want to know why it has to be a monarchy. If you have a good reason I can accept monarchy. When that is settled we can talk about more constructive things. Is that so hard to understand?

KokujohSayaka skrev:Of course we want and we are ready to help the mission of Asperger Republic, but you must understand that
we can not fight for Republicanism or for anything instead of you or of anyone, You must do it yourself!

Is there a movement for an Asperger Republic?
Is the question of monarchy or republic so important that there has to be 2 countries?

KokujohSayaka skrev:[Republican] behavior is as much as to say they would be satisfied with a Dictatorship as long as its form of government is Republic.

If that's your impression of republicans it's no wonder you want a monarchy.
Inlägg: 14754
Anslöt: 2010-11-30

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav slackern » 2018-07-28 20:13:59

KokujohSayaka skrev:Lol republicans are always so angry :-)Raging . Why are you always so angry?

I also noticed that republicans love to talk about "no"-s, "never"-s or "why"-s but almost never discuss the their actual aims and politics.
What are your points with the exception of anti-monarchism? I have to say you should have more positive messages about substantial goals if you really want to win the competition with us.

Monarki vs Republik SW.jpg

atoms skrev:
KokujohSayaka skrev:At the moment, in West, we seems to be tolerated only in Monarchic countries like United Kingdom, Sweden or the Netherlands, the accomplishment of which is Comrades Amy's Autismland, our first foreign member-party.

Is that Amy Nelson?

Yes, Comrade Madame Nelson :D

Dagobert skrev:
KokujohSayaka skrev:(...) As a matter of fact, we felt no reluctance in accepting the joining of Republican parties to World Aspergers Organization, and actually in the beginning we even tried to recruit Republican comrades from Western Republics too, but as soon as they (I mean Western Republicans) heard that we are Royalists we were immediately banned, removed, blocked and deleted from everywhere, and I mean everywhere, (...)

So you would accept republicans in your monarchy? Even Western republicans?!

You Joking Me??? Of course yes. Were you asking this question seriously?

I am not angry, i only like the trutht and facts.

In 1946, at the request of the GHQ, the Shōwa Emperor (Hirohito) proclaimed in the Humanity Declaration that he had never been an akitsumikami (現御神), divinity in human form, and claimed his relation to the people did not rely on such a mythological idea but on a historically developed family-like reliance.

And yes i think it is absurd that people did belive that they where divine.

And i am sorry if i did offend you not my intention but i like the head of state to be voted for in a democratic way and not by inhearating the Crown.

But i now the emperor of Japan is only a figurhead without Power as the king in Sweeden.
Inlägg: 44387
Anslöt: 2010-10-26
Ort: Stockholm

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav JätteUtter » 2018-07-28 21:19:20

Would be funnier if it were a autistic empire
Inlägg: 31
Anslöt: 2017-08-01

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Pinghis Khan » 2018-07-28 21:37:05

Sweden isnt a republic we just have a chief of state who is not allowed to do anything remotedly political.

Voting for new kings hasnt been done since the middleage anywhere in the world i think?

If you vote for your king...and then you cant vote for anyone else...mmhmm sounds like Russia.
Pinghis Khan
Förhandsgranskad. Får inte använda PM eller chatt.
Inlägg: 1558
Anslöt: 2016-01-17

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Dagobert » 2018-07-28 22:33:16

The name of your movement/organisation "World Aspergers' Organization" gives the impression that it is an organisation for the aspergers of the world.

Its aim is to establish a monarchy for aspergers. As at least half the aspergers of the world are republicans, of course they will ask why that country is to be a monarchy.

The name of your organisation is misleading. Change the name to World Aspergers' Monarchist Organization or World Monarchist Aspergers' Organization. Then there will be fewer questions.

Your aim is obviously to create ONE country for aspergers, not THE country for aspergers, as the name suggests.
Inlägg: 14754
Anslöt: 2010-11-30

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-07-29 1:54:25

Dagobert skrev:
KokujohSayaka skrev:You know it is a bit creepy that Republicans often repeat the same question again and again without reacting to our answers.

That's because you don't answer the question. Instead you call whoever is asking a republican.

KokujohSayaka skrev:It is obvious that the time like this you Republicans are driving at somewhere, but I'm sorry It appears that I am missing your point. Could you give me an example answer?

What I'm driving at is this: I thought you wanted to create a country for all aspergers. If I am going to live there, I want to know why it has to be a monarchy. If you have a good reason I can accept monarchy. When that is settled we can talk about more constructive things. Is that so hard to understand?

Q. Could you give me an example answer?
A. Why Monarchy?


>I'm neither a republican nor a monarchist, I haven't even thought about it.

Oh I finally understood you
So you are not a Republican, you are just a parson who questions constantly the Monarchy!

I am not a republican.jpg

>I am a democrat. Stop calling me an undemocratic republican.

Forgive me and control your anger. In exchange for it I give you the right to join WAO!

>Is there a movement for an Asperger Republic?
>Is the question of monarchy or republic so important that there has to be 2 countries?

Are you kidding me? We would be totally satisfied with only one country lol
there has to be 2 countries is important for you not for us lol
There is no movement for Asperger Republic yet this is why it is important that you found it lol
There was a movement for Asperger Republic in the past but thank to the zero supporting they closed lol

>World Aspergers' Monarchist Organization

WAO is not a Monarchist,
At the present moment we only have Royalist parties but that is not our fault but more likely because the neglectfulness of Republicans

Equivalent of "World Aspergers' Monarchist Organization" is the Royalist International
WAO Royalist International Emblem v3.jpg
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Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-07-29 9:10:42

Dagobert skrev:Is the question of monarchy or republic so important that there has to be 2 countries?

Hey I have just read a book about the history of Habsburg Monarchy and I got a great idea
We could found an Aspergerisch Monarchie und Republik (Asperger Monarchy and Republic) modeled after Habsburgisch Kaiserliche und Königliche (Habsburg Empire and Kingdom)
Their Majesties the Princesses would be the Monarch of the Monarchie and head of state of the Republik at the same time
Like in the Habsburg Empire where the Germans and Hungarians joined their forces to suppress the ethnic groups, in Asperger State the Royalists and the moderate Republicans will join forces to suppr... overcome the dangerous elements like extremist Repu... Fascists or Communists etc!

We need now is nothing else but a Royalistisch-Republikisch Ausgleich (Royalist-Republican Compromise)!! Come, Come, Ye Republican Comrades! All Hail to the Prinzessinnen und Republik!


JätteUtter skrev:Would be funnier if it were a autistic empire

I think it depends on effort
If we conquest the world, we can become an Empire too!

You should join to the Committees and form an Imperialist Wing
The Committees is going to inherit the Japanese Pacifist Constitution so you must do it peacefully though!
Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Dagobert » 2018-07-29 10:56:17

Good luck with your country troll lol
Inlägg: 14754
Anslöt: 2010-11-30

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Dagobert » 2018-07-29 22:10:47

Dagobert skrev:Good luck with your country troll lol

I'm sorry for that. It was a response to your post before your last post, the one with lots of lols.

I guess you are previewed as a new member so your last post was delayed. I didn't see it until now.
Your last post is a lot nicer, so I'll answer it:

KokujohSayaka skrev:
Dagobert skrev:Is the question of monarchy or republic so important that there has to be 2 countries?

Hey I have just read a book about the history of Habsburg Monarchy and I got a great idea
We could found an Aspergerisch Monarchie und Republik (Asperger Monarchy and Republic) modeled after Habsburgisch Kaiserliche und Königliche (Habsburg Empire and Kingdom)
Their Majesties the Princesses would be the Monarch of the Monarchie and head of state of the Republik at the same time
Like in the Habsburg Empire where the Germans and Hungarians joined their forces to suppress the ethnic groups, in Asperger State the Royalists and the moderate Republicans will join forces to suppr... overcome the dangerous elements like extremist Repu... Fascists or Communists etc!

We need now is nothing else but a Royalistisch-Republikisch Ausgleich (Royalist-Republican Compromise)!! Come, Come, Ye Republican Comrades! All Hail to the Prinzessinnen und Republik!


It's good that you have dropped your hostility against those you call republicans. With that solution I feel no need to ask "why monarchy" anymore.

However, that was my only question and I'm not interested in taking part of your efforts for the time being. Forming countries is not my thing.
I sincerely wish you good luck this time. :-)Happy
Inlägg: 14754
Anslöt: 2010-11-30

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-07-31 10:40:44

Dagobert skrev:With that solution I feel no need to ask "why monarchy" anymore.

Oh my Gods
We finally succeed to sweat the middle ground for compromise with the Republicans
It is really a historic moment. It's been a long way, but we are here. Successful communication with Republicans! I must cry! I was certain that you are not an autonomous bot programmed to repeat "why monarchy?" but human intelligences!

If so, I think we now need some cool symbol to recruit Republican members for Aspergerisch Monarchie und Republik!

since the idea of Royalist-Republican Compromise born in Sweden I thought Swedish Republican symbol could be nice as the symbol of Asperger Republicanism.
So I checked around and found out this


Okey it can not be the symbol of the Monarchie und Republik.

Next. We could think about some nice slogan, couldn't we? I found it ↓ on Swedish wiki as a monumental saying of the history of Swedish Republicanism. A revolutionary republican hand-written bill from the Stockholm riots!


"Afsättom Oscar han duger icke till kung hellre Republiken! Reformen! ned med det Kongliga huset, lefve Aftonbladet! död åt kungen. Republik! Republik! Folket!. Brunkeberg i afton"

Aha I knew that Republicans are homicidal maniac regiciders.

Honestly speaking, I found Swedish Republican symbols are so overwhelmingly horrible that makes me shudder! I have to say these are out of the question!
I need your help! Could you recommend some good symbol for the Republicanism please?
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Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-08-11 1:36:41

I asked Aspergers from Kingdom of Canada and Unided States of America for advice about the symbol of Asperger Republicanism,
they tirelessly taught me the Latin and Biblical quotes are used to symbolize the Republicism in the United States!

- E Pluribus Unum (av många, en)
- annuit cœptis (God favor our undertakings)
- novus ordo seclorum (New order of the ages)
- Deo Favente Perennis (with God's favor, Everlasting)
- In God we Trust

This is the Mottos that they listed as well‐known
Thoughts? Actually I have a good impression of all of these.
At the very least, these are better symbols than tha offensive ones that the Swedish Republicans use.
Since they had no idea for visual symbols of republicanism either, using classic mottos sounds a good starting point.

Well! I have a proposal. Could you let me know your recommendation of mottos from:

- Latin and Greek Classics
- Bible used by Church of Sweden

I think quotations from Finnish Republican literatures could be also good.
Finns have a very good reputation in Japan, and Swedish is their National language too, and they are a Republic.

Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-11-03 16:00:07

Long time no see, Compatriots!
Good news!
WAO's subreddit funally opened!

Special Thanks to Compatriot TrueReplay7 from Kingdom of Scotland for his support!! :-)154
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Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-12-25 7:15:35

Merry Christmas, compatriots!


#Autmas, organized by compatriot madame Nelson of Autismland, is the way to celebrate Xmas and December seasonal activities for autistic people. please read here
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Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Pinghis Khan » 2018-12-25 13:30:46

KokujohSayaka skrev:I asked Aspergers from Kingdom of Canada and Unided States of America for advice about the symbol of Asperger Republicanism,
they tirelessly taught me the Latin and Biblical quotes are used to symbolize the Republicism in the United States!

- E Pluribus Unum (av många, en)
- annuit cœptis (God favor our undertakings)
- novus ordo seclorum (New order of the ages)
- Deo Favente Perennis (with God's favor, Everlasting)
- In God we Trust

This is the Mottos that they listed as well‐known
Thoughts? Actually I have a good impression of all of these.
At the very least, these are better symbols than tha offensive ones that the Swedish Republicans use.
Since they had no idea for visual symbols of republicanism either, using classic mottos sounds a good starting point.

Well! I have a proposal. Could you let me know your recommendation of mottos from:

- Latin and Greek Classics
- Bible used by Church of Sweden

I think quotations from Finnish Republican literatures could be also good.
Finns have a very good reputation in Japan, and Swedish is their National language too, and they are a Republic.


The finns never had a king because they are our slaves.
Pinghis Khan
Förhandsgranskad. Får inte använda PM eller chatt.
Inlägg: 1558
Anslöt: 2016-01-17

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-12-31 6:42:37

Pinghis Khan skrev:
KokujohSayaka skrev:I asked Aspergers from Kingdom of Canada and Unided States of America for advice about the symbol of Asperger Republicanism,
they tirelessly taught me the Latin and Biblical quotes are used to symbolize the Republicism in the United States!

- E Pluribus Unum (av många, en)
- annuit cœptis (God favor our undertakings)
- novus ordo seclorum (New order of the ages)
- Deo Favente Perennis (with God's favor, Everlasting)
- In God we Trust

This is the Mottos that they listed as well‐known
Thoughts? Actually I have a good impression of all of these.
At the very least, these are better symbols than tha offensive ones that the Swedish Republicans use.
Since they had no idea for visual symbols of republicanism either, using classic mottos sounds a good starting point.

Well! I have a proposal. Could you let me know your recommendation of mottos from:

- Latin and Greek Classics
- Bible used by Church of Sweden

I think quotations from Finnish Republican literatures could be also good.
Finns have a very good reputation in Japan, and Swedish is their National language too, and they are a Republic.


The finns never had a king because they are our slaves.

You were right to give up the slavery. Thanks to that, they are now a proud and prosper republic. It is easy to imagine that you are proud of them too. I guess they admire your decision too. So do you?

>The finns never had a king

That is exactly why you could use their symbols as reference.
As I see it, the combination of royalist symbols from Sweden and republicist symbols from Finland could be ideal to symbolize the Aspergerisch Monarchie und Republik and to memorialize it's Nordic origine, don't you think so?

Advantageously, all of Finns speak in Swedish.
You should immediately go to find boards and chat rooms for Finnish Aspergers and Autistics to disclose the symbols they are using to symbolize the Republicism and to call on them to join our sovereignist movement, shouldn't you?
Get moving!
Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

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