Monarch vs Republic

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Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-03-16 10:30:52

We are World Aspergers' Organization, a movement based in Japan, the aim of which is the founding of a Sovereign Monarchy for our kind, but we are tired because aspergers from Western Republics are always asking us "why monarchy?".

So we decided to looking for comrades from Western Kingdoms like Sweden at first who could help us to suppress the republican aspergers to found our Monarch!

Your Mission Sweden to set up new Committees for Preparation of Independence. The requirement of the participant is to be direct-democrat, or at least representative-democrat.

Subjects, are you democrats?
If yes, Come, Come, Ye Comrades!
Hail to the Prinzessinnen!
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Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-07-21 13:31:41

WorldAspOrgan skrev:I think we need a cool symbol for the European Branch to recruit Dutch members.

I read a theory that Europe means sunset in Hebrew. Sunset could be a nice symbol, couldn't it?

Based on the quoted idea, We tentatively designed a symbol for the European Branch!

[version 1]

sV7DEh311C0EjBFX4rbVqUQ (4).png

[version 2]

sLIhsdMEjlxPTRhU4MdGYyQ (1).png

These depict the instant when the sun is captured by the waves and sink under the Pacific, Surrounded by sunset clouds!

Thoughts and Impressions?
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Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav atoms » 2018-07-21 17:45:58

I prefer version # 1, the other one looks like it sits behind a rib cage.
Inlägg: 18604
Anslöt: 2009-05-05
Ort: Norrköping

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-07-23 9:52:20

atoms skrev:I prefer version # 1

Choose anything you want!

We are not going to establish any official symbols.
You can make you own competition entry too.

See also:

Q. Are you (WAO) goint to choose one official symbol from the tentatively designed symbols?

atoms skrev:looks like it sits behind a rib cage.

Lol it sounds cool
Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Dagobert » 2018-07-24 19:33:55

Vad är det här för nåt? Allt jag kan se är ett par inlägg, mest om emblemet. Finns det nåt mer?
Inlägg: 14754
Anslöt: 2010-11-30

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Pinghis Khan » 2018-07-24 20:13:49

Well i find the absence of fucking puzzle pieces refreshing at least.
Pinghis Khan
Förhandsgranskad. Får inte använda PM eller chatt.
Inlägg: 1558
Anslöt: 2016-01-17

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Pinghis Khan » 2018-07-24 20:16:05

Twitter kontot är suspended...
Pinghis Khan
Förhandsgranskad. Får inte använda PM eller chatt.
Inlägg: 1558
Anslöt: 2016-01-17

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-07-25 5:37:32

Pinghis Khan skrev:Twitter kontot är suspended...

They (Twitter) suspended our WAO account all of a sudden!
They also sent a caution to our other account that says the account "promotes hatred"!
I have to say it must be Neurotypical conspiracy!

Our current WAO account @Twitter: WAO_TheOne
Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Flatline » 2018-07-25 11:33:22

"Sovereign Monarchy for our kind"

So what strech of territory are we aiming to invade?
It's not as if there's larges swaths of empty land to set up this fledgeling monarchy not already spoken for by aspiring micronations.
I think there's an area on the border of Sudan that isn't spoken for but the area has some drawbacks.
Inlägg: 1193
Anslöt: 2013-03-26

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav slackern » 2018-07-25 11:45:28

Flatline skrev:"Sovereign Monarchy for our kind"

So what strech of territory are we aiming to invade?
It's not as if there's larges swaths of empty land to set up this fledgeling monarchy not already spoken for by aspiring micronations.
I think there's an area on the border of Sudan that isn't spoken for but the area has some drawbacks.

I Think Fiji or som other country in the South Pacific would be nice. :D
Inlägg: 44388
Anslöt: 2010-10-26
Ort: Stockholm

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Flatline » 2018-07-25 11:56:44

slackern skrev: I Think Fiji or som other country in the South Pacific would be nice. :D

Fiji could work i'm down with that.
Next problem, the invasion force needed to take Fiji and defend the territory against pushback from the UN and the Commonwealth of Nations.
I would like to know more about the supply and logistic situation of this World Aspergers Organization, can we expect any mechanized transport for troops or do we have to swim?
Inlägg: 1193
Anslöt: 2013-03-26

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Flatline » 2018-07-25 11:58:31

Also how will we handle non Asperger residents in any occupied territory?
I'm down for a good purge any day but let's say everything works out and 10 years down the road people start dropping non aspie kids?
Inlägg: 1193
Anslöt: 2013-03-26

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-07-25 12:25:41

Flatline skrev:"Sovereign Monarchy for our kind"

So what strech of territory are we aiming to invade?
It's not as if there's larges swaths of empty land to set up this fledgeling monarchy not already spoken for by aspiring micronations.
I think there's an area on the border of Sudan that isn't spoken for but the area has some drawbacks.

Thank you for asking! WAO's member-party, the Committee's idea is:

1) at first settle in Kohchi, a rural city on paper (in the Japanese case, Kohchi), to get the majority in the regional parliament. (The city budget of Kohchi is about 150 billion Yen)

2) Using the city budget create jobs for the Aspergers all over the country

3) Settle into Kohchi physically, setting up there a city which are populated by we, to make possible the formulation of our economy, our culture, our society and our capital.
*Invasion? Nonsense!! Kohchi is actually a pretty abandoned-by-Motherland, forgotten-by-compatriot, Damned-by-Gods, and going-extinct country, I am very sure they will be very happy and full of gratitude if we go there and help them demographically and economically!
We are not going to take away the land of Japan anyways. We just want to settle in Kohchi to set up colonial cities to enforce our capital accumulation. Everything is totally legal, you are welcome.

4) Then we, based on the capital we formed in Kohchi, we can take real steps for our real sovereignty.

How? Anyhow. As you know, the own economy and capital make the human almost almighty. If we could only get our own capital and aconomy, anything other is only a matter of imagination and dicision. We could do anything we want.
For example, we could create artificial islands on the Over the Pacific Ocean like Japan and China do. We also could found floating marine-cities by mega-floats. (Very opportunistically, Japan has the world's most advanced technology of megafloat-building.)
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Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-07-25 12:38:04

Flatline skrev:Also how will we handle non Asperger residents in any occupied territory?
I'm down for a good purge any day but let's say everything works out and 10 years down the road people start dropping non aspie kids?

Support the Committees, then no need to purge!
Committees for Preparation of Independence promises a Trialist Monarchy, equal sovereignty of Aspergers, ADHDs and Native Neurotypicals!

The Committees for Preparation of Aspergers' Independence (Committees, Committees for Indepencence, 悠哉國建國委員會, アスペルブルグ建国委員会) is a royalist democratic party in World Aspergers' Organization.


[ Programs ]

- Capitalism.
- Direct Democracy. 
- Urbanism. Our aim is to set up cities, not farms.
- Preparing the Constitutional Convention.
- Settling in rural towns to get the majority in the regional parliament, set up cities which are populated by us to gain control over local politics.
- Backing up the Descendants of Hans I (Dr. Johann "Hans" Friedrich Karl Asperger) to the throne.

Positive aspects will be:

- Royalism.
- Equal sovereignty of Aspergers, ADHDs and Native Neurotypicals.(Trialist monarchy)
- Law observance
- Reformism. Building onto the Japanese & neurotypical know-how and institutes. 
- A modernist constitutional monarchy modeled after Japan.

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Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-07-26 0:23:07

Flatline skrev:micronations

World Aspergers' Organization's aim is to encourage the formulation of the movements aiming at the founding of sovereign Asperger state around the World to unite the One hundred million Aspergers of the World. Not a micronation.
Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Dagobert » 2018-07-26 22:32:39

KokujohSayaka skrev:We are World Aspergers' Organization, a movement based in Japan, the aim of which is the founding of a Sovereign Monarchy for our kind, but we are tired because aspergers from Western Republics are always asking us "why monarchy?".

So we decided to looking for comrades from Western Kingdoms like Sweden at first who could help us to suppress the republican aspergers to found our Monarch!

So you think swedes will accept monarchy without questions?

WHY MONARCHY? I can't see that you have answered that question. Monarchy seems to be very important to you. Wanting to suppress half the world's aspergers because of that is a little strange for a "world movement".
Inlägg: 14754
Anslöt: 2010-11-30

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Pinghis Khan » 2018-07-26 23:41:31

Sweden is only a monarchy on paper or king is in fact a DV mupp in reality.
Most people thinks his not quite certain about his wherabouts and such.
Pinghis Khan
Förhandsgranskad. Får inte använda PM eller chatt.
Inlägg: 1558
Anslöt: 2016-01-17

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav slackern » 2018-07-26 23:48:37

Pinghis Khan skrev:Sweden is only a monarchy on paper or king is in fact a DV mupp in reality.

In Japan they thought that the emperor whas divine or somthing absurd like that.
Inlägg: 44388
Anslöt: 2010-10-26
Ort: Stockholm

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-07-27 0:39:31

Dagobert skrev:
KokujohSayaka skrev:We are World Aspergers' Organization, a movement based in Japan, the aim of which is the founding of a Sovereign Monarchy for our kind, but we are tired because aspergers from Western Republics are always asking us "why monarchy?".

So we decided to looking for comrades from Western Kingdoms like Sweden at first who could help us to suppress the republican aspergers to found our Monarch!

Wanting to suppress half the world's aspergers because of that is a little strange for a "world movement".

Well ... it's a long story.
In the first place, since WAO initially was a movement founded and based in Japan, it (I mean the Monarchy) was somewhat self-evident.
As a matter of fact, we felt no reluctance in accepting the joining of Republican parties to World Aspergers Organization, and actually in the beginning we even tried to recruit Republican comrades from Western Republics too, but as soon as they (I mean Western Republicans) heard that we are Royalists we were immediately banned, removed, blocked and deleted from everywhere, and I mean everywhere, even from 4chan. Even from 4chan! (I can not believe even 4chan banned us. It is not what I heard. We were convinced that 4chan is the board of liberty. We experienced more tolerance even on the Chinese net than on the Republican Western net!)
At the moment, in West, we seems to be tolerated only in Monarchic countries like United Kingdom, Sweden or the Netherlands, the accomplishment of which is Comrades Amy's Autismland, our first foreign member-party.

Some day in the future we want Republican member parties though.
Our plan is that when we have succeeded to found member-parties in each monarchic countries, we will encourage Korean and Chinese Aspergers (we experienced they are slightly more decent people than the Western republicans) to found a Republican Party to leave them the broadening of our political aims for the Western Republics. At least I am already fatigued by the many bans. What on earth do they want me to serve the Asperger Republicanism? Even though I am not even Republican!!!!!??? They should do it themselves.
Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav atoms » 2018-07-27 0:47:04

KokujohSayaka skrev:At the moment, in West, we seems to be tolerated only in Monarchic countries like United Kingdom, Sweden or the Netherlands, the accomplishment of which is Comrades Amy's Autismland, our first foreign member-party.

Is that Amy Nelson?

Edit; err, forget that. She's not on the spectrum.
Inlägg: 18604
Anslöt: 2009-05-05
Ort: Norrköping

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Dagobert » 2018-07-27 1:15:31

Dagobert skrev:WHY MONARCHY? I can't see that you have answered that question. Monarchy seems to be very important to you. Wanting to suppress half the world's aspergers because of that is a little strange for a "world movement".

KokujohSayaka skrev:Well ... it's a long story.
In the first place, since WAO initially was a movement founded and based in Japan, it (I mean the Monarchy) was somewhat self-evident. (...)

That was NOT a long story: Because Japan is a monarchy.
The rest had nothing to do with my question.
Is that your answer to "Why monarchy?"?
Inlägg: 14754
Anslöt: 2010-11-30

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Pinghis Khan » 2018-07-27 1:41:07

Everyone is fine with monarchy as long as they get to be king.
Pinghis Khan
Förhandsgranskad. Får inte använda PM eller chatt.
Inlägg: 1558
Anslöt: 2016-01-17

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav Dagobert » 2018-07-27 1:57:21

KokujohSayaka skrev:(...) As a matter of fact, we felt no reluctance in accepting the joining of Republican parties to World Aspergers Organization, and actually in the beginning we even tried to recruit Republican comrades from Western Republics too, but as soon as they (I mean Western Republicans) heard that we are Royalists we were immediately banned, removed, blocked and deleted from everywhere, and I mean everywhere, (...)

So you would accept republicans in your monarchy? Even Western republicans?!

Of course you weren't banned because you're royalists - there must be another reason.
Inlägg: 14754
Anslöt: 2010-11-30

Monarch vs Republic

Inläggav KokujohSayaka » 2018-07-27 10:17:48

Lol republicans are always so angry :-)Raging . Why are you always so angry?

I also noticed that republicans love to talk about "no"-s, "never"-s or "why"-s but almost never discuss the their actual aims and politics.
What are your points with the exception of anti-monarchism? I have to say you should have more positive messages about substantial goals if you really want to win the competition with us.

Monarki vs Republik SW.jpg

atoms skrev:
KokujohSayaka skrev:At the moment, in West, we seems to be tolerated only in Monarchic countries like United Kingdom, Sweden or the Netherlands, the accomplishment of which is Comrades Amy's Autismland, our first foreign member-party.

Is that Amy Nelson?

Yes, Comrade Madame Nelson :D

Dagobert skrev:
KokujohSayaka skrev:(...) As a matter of fact, we felt no reluctance in accepting the joining of Republican parties to World Aspergers Organization, and actually in the beginning we even tried to recruit Republican comrades from Western Republics too, but as soon as they (I mean Western Republicans) heard that we are Royalists we were immediately banned, removed, blocked and deleted from everywhere, and I mean everywhere, (...)

So you would accept republicans in your monarchy? Even Western republicans?!

You Joking Me??? Of course yes. Were you asking this question seriously?
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Inlägg: 19
Anslöt: 2018-03-16

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