Bruk av paracetamol under graviditet orsakar ADHD/autism?

Vårdfrågor, medicinska aspekter samt forskning- och vetenskapsämnen.

 Moderatorer: Alien, atoms

Bruk av paracetamol under graviditet orsakar ADHD/autism?

Inläggav Pinghis Khan » 2018-04-30 13:01:22 ... 86/4980325

Acetaminophen use during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk for ADHD, ASD and hyperactivity symptoms. These findings are concerning, however, results should be interpreted with caution as the available evidence consists of observational studies and susceptible to several potential sources of bias
Pinghis Khan
Förhandsgranskad. Får inte använda PM eller chatt.
Inlägg: 1558
Anslöt: 2016-01-17

Re: Bruk av paracetamol under graviditet orsakar ADHD/autism

Inläggav tahlia » 2018-04-30 13:27:43

Visar det sig vara en av, vad jag är övertygad är, flera möjliga orsaker blir det liv i lådan. Man hänvisar ju konsekvent till alvedon istället för exempelvis treo vid graviditet. Spännande att se vidare forskning.
Inlägg: 10774
Anslöt: 2007-06-28
Ort: The Skog

Bruk av paracetamol under graviditet orsakar ADHD/autism?

Inläggav Vildsvin » 2018-05-01 9:20:50

I och med att prostaglandiner har betydelse för hjärnans utveckling så har förmodligen alla receptfria smärtstillande denna biverkning, då de verkar genom att blockera prostaglandinsyntesen.

Prostaglandins are lipid-derived molecules that mediate the generation of fever in the central nervous system. In addition to their proinflammatory role, prostaglandins also impact neuronal development and synaptic plasticity, sometimes in a sex-specific manner. The cerebellum has a high expression of prostaglandin receptors during development, but the role that these molecules play during normal cerebellar maturation is unknown. We demonstrate here that disrupting prostaglandin synthesis with cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors during a time-sensitive window in early postnatal life alters cerebellar Purkinje cell development in rats, resulting in initially increased dendritic growth in both sexes. We show that this results in later cerebellar atrophy in males only, resulting in a sex-specific loss of cerebellar volume. Further, although performance in motor tasks is spared, social interaction and the sensory threshold are altered in males developmentally exposed to cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors. This work demonstrates a previously unknown role for prostaglandins in cerebellar development and emphasizes the role that the cerebellum plays outside motor tasks, in cognitive and sensory domains that may help to explain its connection to complex neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. ... o=0.431034
The cellular and molecular events that take place during brain development play an important role in governing function of the mature brain. Lipid-signalling molecules such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2 ) play an important role in healthy brain development. Abnormalities along the COX-PGE2 signalling pathway due to genetic or environmental causes have been linked to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study aims to evaluate the effect of altered COX-PGE2 signalling on development and function of the prenatal brain using male mice lacking cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-1-/- and COX-2-/- ) as potential model systems of ASD. Microarray analysis was used to determine global changes in gene expression during embryonic days 16 (E16) and 19 (E19). Gene Ontology: Biological Process (GO:BP) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) were implemented to identify affected developmental genes and cellular processes. We found that in both knockouts the brain at E16 had nearly twice as many differentially expressed genes, and affected biological pathways containing various ASD-associated genes important in neuronal function. Interestingly, using GeneMANIA and Cytoscape we also show that the ASD-risk genes identified in both COX-1-/- and COX-2-/- models belong to protein-interaction networks important for brain development despite of different cellular localization of these enzymes.

Inlägg: 2291
Anslöt: 2011-01-03

Bruk av paracetamol under graviditet orsakar ADHD/autism?

Inläggav Sisyfos » 2018-05-01 9:29:04

Det ska uppmärksammas i detta sammanhanget om en intressant tråd post1487004.html?hilit=g%C3%B6tzsche#p1487004 gällande osäkerhet utav psykofarmakaeffekter.
Inlägg: 749
Anslöt: 2017-06-04
Ort: Uppsala

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