Test om moraliska värderingar.
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Test om moraliska värderingar.
Ni glömmer att testet är ett amerikanskt med amerikanska värderingar som grund.
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Cyan skrev:Hadraniel skrev:Tycker du har en vettig poäng här. Fick ju också väldigt lågt på purity, loyalty och authority och fick intrycket att frågorna som rörde detta verkade handla om att fördöma andras livsval samt blint vara lojal mot, lyda eller lita på staten och andra auktoriteter vilket jag ser som uteslutande negativa egenskaper.
Sånt där märkte jag ingenting av, tyckte att nästan alla frågor bestod av typ: "en person beter sej otrevligt/respektlöst etc, tycker du det är ok eller inte ok och hur mycket?"
Det testet gör är att ta upp saker som ses som otrevligt/respektlöst sett från olika synpunkter.
Ett exempel var ju att elever fick blåsa upp kondomer på sexualundervisningen. Det gör de ju för att få ett hum om hur pass säkra de är.
Det är inget vare sig otrevligt eller respektlöst med den handlingen, om det inte är så att man lider av hög Purity, dvs går och låter sina egna moraliserande äckelkänslor få styra över sina egna tankar och handlingar.
Andra exempel inom Loyalty är saker som att personer som skall vara dina 'vänner' ställer ultimatum på dig och dömer dig som om vänskapen är ett stat med rättsväsende, och kan döma dig för förräderi och utvisa dig.
Sedan har vi exempel inom Authority att inte tillskriva automatiskt intresse när någon vill skryta om sina militära insatser eller att åberopa sina rättigheter genom att inte godkänna polisens önskan genomsöka ens bil när de vill utföra ett opåkallat stickprov efter olagligheter.
Det handlar inte om att det är frågor som är otrevliga eller respektlösa alls, det handlar om att ta temperaturen på testtagarens intolerans, lynnighet, ryggradslöshet, missunsamhet, etc etc. Tillsammans med testtagarens rent positiva kvaliteer.
Hur som helst, så är ju de flesta människor varken goda eller onda, och saker som Lojalitet, Auktoritetsrespekt etc etc har en roll i vårt samhälle så länge det är ett gott samhälle som individen är präglad på/av. Men Purity är rakt av negativt helt och hållet. Och Care, Fairness och Liberty är rakt av bra.
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Khunark skrev:Ett exempel var ju att elever fick blåsa upp kondomer på sexualundervisningen. Det gör de ju för att få ett hum om hur pass säkra de är.
Det är inget vare sig otrevligt eller respektlöst med den handlingen, om det inte är så att man lider av hög Purity, dvs går och låter sina egna moraliserande äckelkänslor få styra över sina egna tankar och handlingar.
Jag tog -1 på det då jag anser att det är lite olämpligt i skolan om det är unga elever.
Det du kallar moraliserande äckelkänslor kallar jag anständighet. Fick ganksa högt på Purity men lider inte av det...
Det med handen har jag inga problem med men kan förstå om nån annan tycker det är olämpligt.
Khunark skrev:Sedan har vi exempel inom Authority att inte tillskriva automatiskt intresse när någon vill skryta om sina militära insatser eller att åberopa sina rättigheter genom att inte godkänna polisens önskan genomsöka ens bil när de vill utföra ett opåkallat stickprov efter olagligheter.
Jag tycker inte det är upp till var och en att godkänna kontroller från polisen. Blir man utsatt för en poliskontroll så är det bara att acceptera och det är bra om polisen har koll och försöker bekämpa brott. Har inget som helst problem med att polisen ska få göra sånt.
Senast redigerad av Moggy 2015-11-23 22:11:56, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Mitt resultat blev,
Care 100%
Fairness 97.2%
Loyalty 63.9%
Authority 61.1%
Purity 44.4%
Liberty 58.3%
Care 100%
Fairness 97.2%
Loyalty 63.9%
Authority 61.1%
Purity 44.4%
Liberty 58.3%
- Mountain_lion
- Inlägg: 1255
- Anslöt: 2013-07-18
- Ort: Halland
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Khunark skrev:Sedan har vi exempel inom Authority att inte tillskriva automatiskt intresse när någon vill skryta om sina militära insatser eller att åberopa sina rättigheter genom att inte godkänna polisens önskan genomsöka ens bil när de vill utföra ett opåkallat stickprov efter olagligheter.
Upplevde det inte som att frågorna i testet handlade inte om det där, utan om att skruva upp volymen på tv:n när någon pratar om något man inte är intresserad av eller håller med om, (ens gamla far vill prata sentimentalt om hur hans vänner stupade i kriget och annat hemskt han upplevde, men nä upp med volymen bara, tänker inte lyssna på ett ord av det och spelar ingen roll om han blir sårad), och om att bråka med polisen och vägra svara på frågor etc istället för att bara vänligt säga nej ni får inte genomsöka bilen.
Moggy skrev:Khunark skrev:Ett exempel var ju att elever fick blåsa upp kondomer på sexualundervisningen. Det gör de ju för att få ett hum om hur pass säkra de är.
Det är inget vare sig otrevligt eller respektlöst med den handlingen, om det inte är så att man lider av hög Purity, dvs går och låter sina egna moraliserande äckelkänslor få styra över sina egna tankar och handlingar.
Jag tog -1 på det då jag anser att det är lite olämpligt i skolan om det är unga elever.
Det du kallar moraliserande äckelkänslor kallar jag anständighet. Fick ganksa högt på Purity men lider inte av det...
Ja jag tyckte exakt likadant om den saken. Frågorna som har med Purity att göra är väl för övrigt den och om det är ok att skolan uppmuntrar tjejer att skaffa så många sexpartners som möjligt med ursäkten att vissa killar gör så, och om det är ok om två syskon testar att ha sex med varandra om de är försiktiga, och liknande frågor. Så ser inte vad det skulle vara för dåligt med att få hög purity på det där testet, det var ju typ inga purity-frågor i stil med att förbjuda folk att gå lättklädda och aldrig ens kyssa någon förrän man gift sej, och dylikt.
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Nä, precis. Det där med bror och syster var en given -3 för min del. Aldrig nånsin det minsta acceptabelt.
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Inga enorma överraskningar här.
Your scores are:
Care 36.1%
Fairness 44.4%
Loyalty 61.1%
Authority 52.8%
Purity 13.9%
Liberty 80.6%
Your strongest moral foundation is Liberty.
Your morality is closest to that of a Libertarian.
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Care 100%
Fairness 83.3%
Loyalty 61.1%
Authority 58.3%
Purity 66.7%
Liberty 69.4%
Your strongest moral foundation is Care.
Your morality is closest to that of a Conservative.
(Är tveksam att kalla mig själv konservativ, troligtvis definierad av Amerikanska värderingar).
Fairness 83.3%
Loyalty 61.1%
Authority 58.3%
Purity 66.7%
Liberty 69.4%
Your strongest moral foundation is Care.
Your morality is closest to that of a Conservative.
(Är tveksam att kalla mig själv konservativ, troligtvis definierad av Amerikanska värderingar).
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Grisom skrev:Care 100%
Fairness 83.3%
Loyalty 61.1%
Authority 58.3%
Purity 66.7%
Liberty 69.4%
Your strongest moral foundation is Care.
Your morality is closest to that of a Conservative.
(Är tveksam att kalla mig själv konservativ, troligtvis definierad av Amerikanska värderingar).
Att vara konservativ i det här testet är definierat som att man inte är polariserad. Är man polariserad, blir man left-liberal om man har hög fairness och care, och libertarian om man har hög liberty.
Man kan säkert vara polariserad på loyalty, authority och purity, men då är man typ med i ISIS.
För att summera så är det inga stora problem om man har hög loyalty, authority, purity, men det blir problem om de överskrider care,liberty,fairness.
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Alla frågorna:
While on a live on-air tv show, a man kills a baby rabbit with a knife.
Sarah's dog has four puppies. She can only find a home for two of them, so she kills the other two with a stone to the head.
Jack and Will are classmates. Will's father is a lawyer. When he picks up Will from school, he refuses to say hi to Jack's father because he is only a janitor.
When Kelly asks Steven out on a date, he sneers and says: Like I'm gonna date a woman who looks like my overweight bulldog.
When Lily tells her classmate Sue that it's her dream to be prom queen, Sue laughs out loud and says: You're too ugly for that.
When a homeless man asks Matt for spare change, Matt keeps on walking and says, Don't talk to me, loser.
Amy and Mia are coworkers. One day, Amy offers Mia to take one of her shifts, "no strings attached." Some time later, Amy could really use someone to fill in for her, but Mia doesn't feel compelled because Amy's original offer had "no strings attached."
Tom and Linda have been dating for almost a year. Since they've never agreed to be exclusive, Tom sleeps with other women without telling Linda.
Emma and Cindy are summer interns at Chris' office. Emma does slightly better than Cindy. At the end of the summer there's only one job opening, but Chris gives it to Cindy because he finds her more attractive.
Bob and Pam are siblings. Bob is given $10 by their father and is told to distribute it between them as he likes. Bob gives $1 to Pam and pockets the $9 himself.
Adam and Beth have been dating for three years. Adam is reluctant to have children, so Beth tells him that she's on the pill when she isn't.
A new action figure becomes all the rage among the boys in Timmy's class. When Timmy's parents get to the store, they buy all of the action figures for Timmy, leaving none for the other children.
An army lieutenant neglects to file a report on a civilian killing done by his troops because he knows it was an accident.
John's soccer coach decides that everyone on the team must wear black soccer shoes, but on the day of the match, John turns up in white soccer shoes instead.
Tina promises her dying mother that she'll visit her grave once a month. After the mother has passed away, Tina finds it hard to squeeze in the time, and her visits drop to about once a year.
Julie asks her friends not to fraternize with her ex-boyfriend Jake, since he cheated on her with other women. Three weeks later, Julie's friend Melissa is dating him.
Hannah inherited an old flag of her country from her father, but has never used it. One day when Hannah is cleaning the house she discovers that she is out of rags, so she uses the flag as a rag to clean the house.
When Carl's soccer team is squaring off against the team of another nation, he sings along to the other team's national anthem instead of his own.
Jane's boss calls all of his employees by their first names but does not allow any of them to call him by his first name. When Jane insists that it must be a two-way street, he fires her.
In sex education class, the students are taught that since the sexes are equal, the girls should sleep with as many guys as they want without fear of being considered "sluts".
Brian does not cooperate with law enforcement. Whenever he is pulled over, he refuses to answer questions and starts bickering with the officer about his rights.
Dan turns up the TV just as his father is talking about his military service.
Tim asks his father for permission to stay out late because his classmates are throwing a party. When his father refuses, Tim slams the door in his face.
Scott is hosting a dinner party. For dessert, he serves chocolate cake, shaped to look like dog poop.
In sex education class, the students are asked to inflate a condom with their mouth.
A pair of parents read about the exotic delicacies of Africa and the Far East. In the coming week, they serve dog meat to their children.
In biology class, a human hand, preserved in a jar, is passed around among the students.
Using both a condom and the pill, a brother and a sister decide that they want to sleep with each other - just once, to see what it would be like.
Sarah gets drunk in a bar and makes out with two strangers at once.
A man orders a custom-built sex doll designed to look just like his niece.
Some men have a private, all-male club and feminists take them to court, demanding that they open it up to women.
The principal of a school says that none of her students are allowed to draw Muhammad on the school premises, or to bring Muhammad cartoons to school.
The head of a public department says that none of her employees are allowed to smoke at all, not even in their free time.
A man sets up an unlicensed medical practice but makes all of his customers sign a contract acknowledging that he is not a licensed physician.
A Christian bakery refuses to custom decorate a cake with chocolate letters that would carry a pro-gay message.
A group of parents, concerned about their children's risk of obesity, demand that the local store stops selling XL sized candy bars and soft drinks.
While on a live on-air tv show, a man kills a baby rabbit with a knife.
Sarah's dog has four puppies. She can only find a home for two of them, so she kills the other two with a stone to the head.
Jack and Will are classmates. Will's father is a lawyer. When he picks up Will from school, he refuses to say hi to Jack's father because he is only a janitor.
When Kelly asks Steven out on a date, he sneers and says: Like I'm gonna date a woman who looks like my overweight bulldog.
When Lily tells her classmate Sue that it's her dream to be prom queen, Sue laughs out loud and says: You're too ugly for that.
When a homeless man asks Matt for spare change, Matt keeps on walking and says, Don't talk to me, loser.
Amy and Mia are coworkers. One day, Amy offers Mia to take one of her shifts, "no strings attached." Some time later, Amy could really use someone to fill in for her, but Mia doesn't feel compelled because Amy's original offer had "no strings attached."
Tom and Linda have been dating for almost a year. Since they've never agreed to be exclusive, Tom sleeps with other women without telling Linda.
Emma and Cindy are summer interns at Chris' office. Emma does slightly better than Cindy. At the end of the summer there's only one job opening, but Chris gives it to Cindy because he finds her more attractive.
Bob and Pam are siblings. Bob is given $10 by their father and is told to distribute it between them as he likes. Bob gives $1 to Pam and pockets the $9 himself.
Adam and Beth have been dating for three years. Adam is reluctant to have children, so Beth tells him that she's on the pill when she isn't.
A new action figure becomes all the rage among the boys in Timmy's class. When Timmy's parents get to the store, they buy all of the action figures for Timmy, leaving none for the other children.
An army lieutenant neglects to file a report on a civilian killing done by his troops because he knows it was an accident.
John's soccer coach decides that everyone on the team must wear black soccer shoes, but on the day of the match, John turns up in white soccer shoes instead.
Tina promises her dying mother that she'll visit her grave once a month. After the mother has passed away, Tina finds it hard to squeeze in the time, and her visits drop to about once a year.
Julie asks her friends not to fraternize with her ex-boyfriend Jake, since he cheated on her with other women. Three weeks later, Julie's friend Melissa is dating him.
Hannah inherited an old flag of her country from her father, but has never used it. One day when Hannah is cleaning the house she discovers that she is out of rags, so she uses the flag as a rag to clean the house.
When Carl's soccer team is squaring off against the team of another nation, he sings along to the other team's national anthem instead of his own.
Jane's boss calls all of his employees by their first names but does not allow any of them to call him by his first name. When Jane insists that it must be a two-way street, he fires her.
In sex education class, the students are taught that since the sexes are equal, the girls should sleep with as many guys as they want without fear of being considered "sluts".
Brian does not cooperate with law enforcement. Whenever he is pulled over, he refuses to answer questions and starts bickering with the officer about his rights.
Dan turns up the TV just as his father is talking about his military service.
Tim asks his father for permission to stay out late because his classmates are throwing a party. When his father refuses, Tim slams the door in his face.
Scott is hosting a dinner party. For dessert, he serves chocolate cake, shaped to look like dog poop.
In sex education class, the students are asked to inflate a condom with their mouth.
A pair of parents read about the exotic delicacies of Africa and the Far East. In the coming week, they serve dog meat to their children.
In biology class, a human hand, preserved in a jar, is passed around among the students.
Using both a condom and the pill, a brother and a sister decide that they want to sleep with each other - just once, to see what it would be like.
Sarah gets drunk in a bar and makes out with two strangers at once.
A man orders a custom-built sex doll designed to look just like his niece.
Some men have a private, all-male club and feminists take them to court, demanding that they open it up to women.
The principal of a school says that none of her students are allowed to draw Muhammad on the school premises, or to bring Muhammad cartoons to school.
The head of a public department says that none of her employees are allowed to smoke at all, not even in their free time.
A man sets up an unlicensed medical practice but makes all of his customers sign a contract acknowledging that he is not a licensed physician.
A Christian bakery refuses to custom decorate a cake with chocolate letters that would carry a pro-gay message.
A group of parents, concerned about their children's risk of obesity, demand that the local store stops selling XL sized candy bars and soft drinks.
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Khunark skrev:Grisom skrev:Your strongest moral foundation is Care.
Your morality is closest to that of a Conservative.
(Är tveksam att kalla mig själv konservativ, troligtvis definierad av Amerikanska värderingar).
Att vara konservativ i det här testet är definierat som att man inte är polariserad.
Var mer en reaktion på ordet "Conservative" i Amerikansk mening, när vi tänker på att detta är en amerikansk test så får jag en mental bild på en flaggviftande republikan med bibeln i handen och en .44 i andra handen, muttrande "Murica".
Test om moraliska värderingar.
nescio skrev:Jane's boss calls all of his employees by their first names but does not allow any of them to call him by his first name. When Jane insists that it must be a two-way street, he fires her.
Den här frågan är ju inte så relevant i Sverige då vi har en annan kultur här. När jag svarade försökte jag översätta den till nåt motsvarande i Sverige. Som att få kicken pga att man skaffat tatureringar utan företagets vetskap.
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Your scores are:
Care 100%
Fairness 97.2%
Loyalty 38.9%
Authority 38.9%
Purity 55.6%
Liberty 38.9%
Your strongest moral foundation is Care.
Your morality is closest to that of a Left-Liberal.
Care 100%
Fairness 97.2%
Loyalty 38.9%
Authority 38.9%
Purity 55.6%
Liberty 38.9%
Your strongest moral foundation is Care.
Your morality is closest to that of a Left-Liberal.
Test om moraliska värderingar.
•Care 75%
•Fairness 72.2%
•Loyalty 47.2%
•Authority 33.3%
•Purity 41.7%
•Liberty 50%
Your strongest moral foundation is Care.
Your morality is closest to that of a Left-Liberal.
•Fairness 72.2%
•Loyalty 47.2%
•Authority 33.3%
•Purity 41.7%
•Liberty 50%
Your strongest moral foundation is Care.
Your morality is closest to that of a Left-Liberal.
- snuggelhund
- Inlägg: 3257
- Anslöt: 2010-07-16
- Ort: Eslövs kommun
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Your scores are:
Care 80.6%
Fairness 75%
Loyalty 41.7%
Authority 50%
Purity 52.8%
Liberty 47.2%
Your strongest moral foundation is Care.
Your morality is closest to that of a Left-Liberal.
Care 80.6%
Fairness 75%
Loyalty 41.7%
Authority 50%
Purity 52.8%
Liberty 47.2%
Your strongest moral foundation is Care.
Your morality is closest to that of a Left-Liberal.
- CarolusRex
- Inlägg: 1018
- Anslöt: 2014-01-27
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Your scores are:
•Care 100%
•Fairness 91.7%
•Loyalty 22.2%
•Authority 38.9%
•Purity 75%
•Liberty 16.7%
Your strongest moral foundation is Care.
Your morality is closest to that of a Left-Liberal.
•Care 100%
•Fairness 91.7%
•Loyalty 22.2%
•Authority 38.9%
•Purity 75%
•Liberty 16.7%
Your strongest moral foundation is Care.
Your morality is closest to that of a Left-Liberal.
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Your scores are:
Fairness 69.4%
Care 66.7%
Liberty 58.3%
Authority 36.1%
Loyalty 16.7%
Purity 0%
Your strongest moral foundation is Fairness.
Your morality is closest to that of a Left-Liberal.
Care: This foundation pertains to our mammalian need to care for our young and to form bonds of attachment to others. It underlies the virtues of kindness and nurturance and is tied to emotions such as protectiveness and compassion. Left-liberals typically score the highest on this dimension, conservatives the second-highest, and libertarians the lowest.
Fairness: This foundation pertains to our ability to maintain cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships. It underlies the virtues of honesty, justice, and dependability. It is tied to emotions such as gratitude, anger, and guilt. Left-liberals typically score higher on this dimension than conservatives and libertarians.
Left-Liberalism: Individuals in this group seek to uphold individual liberty while taxing the market to provide social benefits for those in need. They tend to see themselves as seeking balance between individual liberty and social justice and to be in favor of multiculturalism, secular government, and international cooperation. While they are typically skeptical of state involvement in social affairs, they nevertheless see a legitimate role for the state in combating discrimination and ensuring equal treatment. Left-Liberals typically have a Care- and Fairness-based morality.
Fairness 69.4%
Care 66.7%
Liberty 58.3%
Authority 36.1%
Loyalty 16.7%
Purity 0%
Your strongest moral foundation is Fairness.
Your morality is closest to that of a Left-Liberal.
Care: This foundation pertains to our mammalian need to care for our young and to form bonds of attachment to others. It underlies the virtues of kindness and nurturance and is tied to emotions such as protectiveness and compassion. Left-liberals typically score the highest on this dimension, conservatives the second-highest, and libertarians the lowest.
Fairness: This foundation pertains to our ability to maintain cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships. It underlies the virtues of honesty, justice, and dependability. It is tied to emotions such as gratitude, anger, and guilt. Left-liberals typically score higher on this dimension than conservatives and libertarians.
Left-Liberalism: Individuals in this group seek to uphold individual liberty while taxing the market to provide social benefits for those in need. They tend to see themselves as seeking balance between individual liberty and social justice and to be in favor of multiculturalism, secular government, and international cooperation. While they are typically skeptical of state involvement in social affairs, they nevertheless see a legitimate role for the state in combating discrimination and ensuring equal treatment. Left-Liberals typically have a Care- and Fairness-based morality.
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Care 100%Fairness 80.6%
Loyalty 16.7%Authority 83.3%
Purity 83.3%Liberty 63.9%
Loyalty 16.7%Authority 83.3%
Purity 83.3%Liberty 63.9%
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Observera, att en del saker saknar tillräckligt detaljerad beskrivning, tex att skicka runt en mänsklig hand, det är helt okej med iaf läkarstundenter, men inte för lågstadie, 15 år så hade det varit lugnt för mej personligen.
och lite andra detaljer.
Men stämmer rätt bra.
Your scores are:
Care 100%
Fairness 91.7%
Loyalty 41.7%
Authority 58.3%
Purity 50%
Liberty 50%
Your strongest moral foundation is Care.
Your morality is closest to that of a Left-Liberal.
och lite andra detaljer.
Men stämmer rätt bra.
Your scores are:
Care 100%
Fairness 91.7%
Loyalty 41.7%
Authority 58.3%
Purity 50%
Liberty 50%
Your strongest moral foundation is Care.
Your morality is closest to that of a Left-Liberal.
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Även efter amerikansk utgångspunkt, så är testet felaktigt uppbyggt.
- dasunbedingte
- Frivilligt inaktiverad
- Inlägg: 2690
- Anslöt: 2012-07-23
- Ort: Kibbutz.
Test om moraliska värderingar.
Your scores are:
Care 83.3%
Fairness 86.1%
Loyalty 22.2%
Authority 36.1%
Purity 58.3%
Liberty 52.8%
Care 83.3%
Fairness 86.1%
Loyalty 22.2%
Authority 36.1%
Purity 58.3%
Liberty 52.8%