Vad är den bästa musik? (2008)
Den här låten är helt sjukt underbar, skapad av ett underbart band direkt från New York.
Moving Mountains - The Earth and The Sun
"You're like the sun, and I am earth, together we're one."
Moving Mountains - The Earth and The Sun
"You're like the sun, and I am earth, together we're one."
Senast redigerad av earlydayminer 2011-05-04 22:06:24, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
- earlydayminer
- Inlägg: 12419
- Anslöt: 2008-03-11
- Ort: Wermland
KrigarSjäl skrev:Jag förstår inte vad han säger, men det låter för jävla bra!
Johnny Hallyday, en fransk Bruce Springsteen:
Har inte lyssnat, men han är Sarkozy-fan, blääää... Blir du glad av en översättning?
Senast redigerad av alfapetsmamma 2011-05-04 22:06:24, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
- alfapetsmamma
- Inlägg: 7383
- Anslöt: 2008-05-03
White Stripes - Jolene
Senast redigerad av Charley? 2011-05-04 22:06:24, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
Jävlar, vad den var bra!! *måste köpa*
Min favorit är annars deras Seven Nation Army (har säkert postat den förut men den tål en repris):
Edit: och den här hade en kul video som ger en helt ny dimension till den gamla låten I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself
OK, nu har jag drabbats av White Stripes-feber. Lika bra att ställa in alla andra planer för dagen...
Min favorit är annars deras Seven Nation Army (har säkert postat den förut men den tål en repris):
Edit: och den här hade en kul video som ger en helt ny dimension till den gamla låten I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself
OK, nu har jag drabbats av White Stripes-feber. Lika bra att ställa in alla andra planer för dagen...
Senast redigerad av Inger 2011-05-04 22:06:24, redigerad totalt 2 gånger.
Charley? skrev:Finns inte på någon skiva (det är en cover), men jag kan maila låten till dig om du vill.
Jag har många White Stripes-favoriter.
Å, kan du? Jag PM:ar min mejladress då.
Den här var liksom lite vassare än Dolly Partons version, även om det är den bästa låt hon gjort.
Senast redigerad av Inger 2011-05-04 22:06:24, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
En av de tyngsta låtar jag någonsin hört. Det ryser i hela mig när trumvirveln början, det är likt en marsch med knytnävarna i luften.
Jag tror den handlar om den kommersiella musikmarknaden.
Första raden:
"Doesn't matter if we stand behind, if we play grind, if we get unsigned
It's not a fancy dream about a supremeteam that screams 'bout fighting regimes
Ten years passed by and you ran along
You ran along with your fucking urge to belong"
Känns lite som att det är riktat mot Rage Against the Machine.
Raised Fist - Get This Right!
Det mest underbara i den här låten är avslaget och kommande text:
"Struggling to get into a fucking nice review
Looking for a camera lens that can capture a picture of your crew
Still the same need for fame & a stage name
I cannot explain the feelings I have for you
Feeding the clothing store, so unsure when we're on tour
You better start running again or you'll end up in the slow lane
You think it's about profit & loss, sucking up for the boss
Acting like everything is for sale"
Jag tror den handlar om den kommersiella musikmarknaden.
Första raden:
"Doesn't matter if we stand behind, if we play grind, if we get unsigned
It's not a fancy dream about a supremeteam that screams 'bout fighting regimes
Ten years passed by and you ran along
You ran along with your fucking urge to belong"
Känns lite som att det är riktat mot Rage Against the Machine.
Raised Fist - Get This Right!
Det mest underbara i den här låten är avslaget och kommande text:
"Struggling to get into a fucking nice review
Looking for a camera lens that can capture a picture of your crew
Still the same need for fame & a stage name
I cannot explain the feelings I have for you
Feeding the clothing store, so unsure when we're on tour
You better start running again or you'll end up in the slow lane
You think it's about profit & loss, sucking up for the boss
Acting like everything is for sale"
Senast redigerad av earlydayminer 2011-05-04 22:06:24, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
- earlydayminer
- Inlägg: 12419
- Anslöt: 2008-03-11
- Ort: Wermland
Greenskeeper - Lotion
I'm looking down the hole
You're looking up at me
You're cold and tired
that is easy to see
Lower the rope to you
a bucket and a light
Your membrane will be soft and smooth
and your heart will be mine.
It rubs the lotion on its skin
Or else it gets the hose again
It rubs the lotion on its skin
Or else it gets the hose again
The look inside your eyes drives me from control
Evoking visions of my favorite casserole.
And if I eat your heart
I'll also bite your soul
And when I'm done with that
I'll use your skull as a bowl.
It rubs the lotion on its skin.
Or else it gets the hose again.
It rubs the lotion on its skin.
Or else it gets the hose again.
It gets the hose.
It puts the lotion in the basket.
It puts the lotion in the basket.
It puts the lotion in the basket.
Yes it does . . .
Put the lotion in the basket
Put the lotion in the basket . . .
Put the lotion in the basket . . .
. . . and it does.
The night is very cold
I'm feeling kind of weak.
I think I'll make myself a cap from your right buttock's cheek.
And then I will go walking with my little dog.
And then I'll bury you underneath the lawn.
It rubs the lotion on its skin.
Or else it gets the hose again.
It rubs the lotion on its skin.
Or else it gets the hose again.
Yes it does Precious..
It puts the lotion in the basket.
Bitch, put the lotion in the basket.
Ohh, put the lotion in the fucking basket
Bitch, put the lotion in the basket.
En stor del av årets Roskilde-musikarsenal.
I'm looking down the hole
You're looking up at me
You're cold and tired
that is easy to see
Lower the rope to you
a bucket and a light
Your membrane will be soft and smooth
and your heart will be mine.
It rubs the lotion on its skin
Or else it gets the hose again
It rubs the lotion on its skin
Or else it gets the hose again
The look inside your eyes drives me from control
Evoking visions of my favorite casserole.
And if I eat your heart
I'll also bite your soul
And when I'm done with that
I'll use your skull as a bowl.
It rubs the lotion on its skin.
Or else it gets the hose again.
It rubs the lotion on its skin.
Or else it gets the hose again.
It gets the hose.
It puts the lotion in the basket.
It puts the lotion in the basket.
It puts the lotion in the basket.
Yes it does . . .
Put the lotion in the basket
Put the lotion in the basket . . .
Put the lotion in the basket . . .
. . . and it does.
The night is very cold
I'm feeling kind of weak.
I think I'll make myself a cap from your right buttock's cheek.
And then I will go walking with my little dog.
And then I'll bury you underneath the lawn.
It rubs the lotion on its skin.
Or else it gets the hose again.
It rubs the lotion on its skin.
Or else it gets the hose again.
Yes it does Precious..
It puts the lotion in the basket.
Bitch, put the lotion in the basket.
Ohh, put the lotion in the fucking basket
Bitch, put the lotion in the basket.
En stor del av årets Roskilde-musikarsenal.
Senast redigerad av Charley? 2011-05-04 22:06:24, redigerad totalt 1 gång. ... re=related
Senast redigerad av Ganesh 2011-05-04 22:06:24, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
Orginalet från (kanske 1968): ... re=related
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Cottonmouth anybody?:
Det räcker vad? Inte det ? Leta själv! ... re=related
eller så här:
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Cottonmouth anybody?:
Det räcker vad? Inte det ? Leta själv!

Senast redigerad av Ganesh 2011-05-04 22:06:24, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
KSMB, klockan 8:
Senast redigerad av KrigarSjäl 2011-05-04 22:06:24, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
- KrigarSjäl
- Frivilligt inaktiverad
- Inlägg: 33157
- Anslöt: 2006-08-10
Ulf Lundell, Folket bygger landet: ... re=related ... re=related
Senast redigerad av KrigarSjäl 2011-05-04 22:06:24, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
- KrigarSjäl
- Frivilligt inaktiverad
- Inlägg: 33157
- Anslöt: 2006-08-10
Den före detta vokalisten i Shai Hulud, Geert van der Velde:
Låten "Madagascar".
Låten "Madagascar".
Senast redigerad av earlydayminer 2011-05-04 22:06:24, redigerad totalt 1 gång.
- earlydayminer
- Inlägg: 12419
- Anslöt: 2008-03-11
- Ort: Wermland