Sånger med blått!

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Sånger med blått!

Inläggav Dagobert » 2015-04-06 3:53:01

JOHN MAYALL - Deep Blue Sea (Live TV 1971)
Inlägg: 14766
Anslöt: 2010-11-30

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-06 4:00:56

'Can Blue Men Sing The Whites?' by The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-06 4:24:46

Cat Stevens - Bitterblue Live in Berlin Tempodrom 20.11.2014

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I gave my last chance to you
Don't hand it back to me bitterblue
No bitterblue
Yes, I've done all one man can do
Don't pass me up oh bitterblue
My bitterblue
Cause I've been running a long time
On this travelling ground
Wishing hard to be free
Of going round and round
Yes I've been moving a long time
But only up and down
I gave my last hope to you
Don't hand it back to me bitterblue
My bitterblue
I've done all one man can do
Please help me lose this bitterblue
My bitterblue
Cause I've been waiting a long time
Aeons been and gone -
Looking at the horizon
For my light to dawn
Oh yes I've been living a long time
Looking on and on
I've been running a long time
Summers come and gone -
Drifting under the dream clouds
Past the broken sun -
Yes I've been living a long time
To be back beyond
I gave my lst chance to you
Don't hand it back bitterblue
My bitterblue
I've done all one man can do
Don't pass me up oh bitterblue
My bitterblue, bitterblue
I gave my last chance to you
Don't hand it back to me bitterblue
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-06 4:30:09

Blue monday - Cat Stevens

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"Blue Monday"

Blue Monday how I hate Blue Monday
Got to work like a slave all day
Here come Tuesday, oh hard Tuesday
I'm so tired got no time to play
Here come Wednesday, I'm beat to my socks
My gal calls, got to tell her that I'm out
'Cause Thursday is a hard workin' day
And Friday I get my pay
Saturday mornin', oh Saturday mornin'
All my tiredness has gone away
Got my money and my honey
And I'm out on the stand to play

Sunday mornin' I'm feelin' bad
But it's worth it for the time that I had
But I've got to get my rest
'Cause Monday is a mess
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-06 6:49:39

Thåström - Balladen om briggen Blue Bird

Spoiler: visa
Det var Blue Bird av Hull
Det var Blue Bird en brigg
Som med sviktade stumpar stod på
Över soten i snöstorm med nerisad rigg
Själva julafton sjuttiotvå
- Surra svensken till rors, han kan dreja en spak.
Ropa skepparn
- Allright boys, lös av!
Och Karl Stranne från Smögen
Blev surrad till rors
På Blue Bird som var dömd att bli vrak

Han fick Hållö-fyrs blänk
Fast av snöglopp och stänk
Han stod halvblind
Han fick den i lo
Och i lä där låg Smögen
Hans hem där hans mor
Just fått brevet från Middelsborough
- Nå vad säger du Karl?
- Går hon klar?
- Nej, kapten!
- Vi får blossa för här är det slut.
- Vi har Hållö om styrbord och brott strax i lä.
- Ut med ankarna båtarna ut.
Men hon red inte upp
Och hon fick ett par brott
Som tog båten dom hade gjort klar
- Jag tror nog, sa Karl Stranne, att far min gått ut.
- Emot oss, jag litar på far!

- Båt i lä!
- Båt i lä!
- Det är far, det är vi!
- Det är far min från Smögen. Hallå!

- Båt i lä! sjöng han ut
- Dom är här jumpa i, alle man vi blir bärgade då.

Det var Stranne den äldre
En viking, en örn
Tog sitt renade brännvin
Ur vinskåpets hörn
Till att bjuda dom skeppsbrutna på
- Hur var namnet på skutan?
Han sporde och slog
Nio supar i spetsiga glas
- Briggen Blue bird.
Det tionde glaset han tog
Och han slog det mot golvet i kras
- Sa ni Blue Bird kapten? Briggen Blue Bird av Hull?
- Gud i himlen var är då min son?
- Var är pojken kapten för vår frälsares skull?
Det blev dödstyst bland männen i vrån!

Gubben Stranne
Tog sakta sydvästen utav
- Spara modern kapten, denna kväll.
- Nämn ej namnet på briggen som har gått i kvav.
- Nämn ej Blue Bird av Hull är ni snäll.
Och kaptenen steg opp
Han var grå han var tärd
Stormen tjöt knappt man hörde hans ord
När han sa med skälvande röst till sin värd
- Karl stod surrad och glömdes ombord.

"Briggen Blue bird av Hull"
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-06 7:21:46

Frank Zappa the blue light

Spoiler: visa
"The Blue Light"

Your Ethos
Your Pathos
Your Porthos
Your Aramis
Your Brut Cologne
You're writing home
You are hopeless
Your hopelessness
Is rising around you, rising around you
You like it
It gives you something to do
In the day time
Hey buddy, you need a hobby
You are tired of moving forward
You think of the future
And secretly you piddle your pants
The puddle of piddle
Which used to be little
Is rising around you, rising around you
You like it
It gives you something to do
In the night time
Well, you travel to bars
You also go to Winchell's Doughnuts
And hang out with the Highway Patrol
Sometimes you'll go to a pizza place
You go toSharkey's to get that
American kind of pizza
That has the ugly, waxey, fake yellow kind
Of yellow Cheese on the top...
Then you go to Straw Hat Pizza,
To get all of those artificial ingredients
That never belonged on a pizza in the first place
(But the white people really like it...)
Oh well, you'll go anyplace, you'll do anything
Oh you'll give me your underpants
I hope these aren't yours, buddy...
They're very nice, though
You'll go to Santa Monica Boulevard,
You'll go to the Blue Parrot
No problem, you'll go anyplace
You'll do anything
Just so you can hang out with the others
The others just like you
Afraid of the future
(Death Valley Days, straight ahead)
The future is scary
Yes, it sure is
Well, the puddle is rising
It smells like the ocean
A body of water to isolate England
And also Reseda
The oil, in patches
All over Atlantis, Atlantis
You remember Atlantis
Donovan, the guy with the brocade coat,
Used to sing to you about Atlantis
You loved it, you were so involved then
That was back in the days when you used to
Smoke a banana
You would scrape the stuff off the middle
You would smoke it
You even thought you was getting ripped from it
No problem
Ah Atlantis, they could really get down there
The plankton, the krill
The giant underwater pyramid, the squid decor
Excuse me. Todd
The big ol' giant underwater door
The dome, the bubbles, the blue light
Light, light, light, light
Blue light blue light
The seepage, the sewage, the rubbers, the napkins
Your ethos, your pathos
Your flag hole, your port-hole
Your language
You're frightened
Your future
You can't even speak your own fucking language
You can't read it anymore
You can't write it anymore
Your language
The future of your language
Your meat loaf
Don't let your meat loaf
Heh, Heh, Heh
Your Micro-Nanette
Your Brut
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav Dagobert » 2015-04-06 9:28:47

Ulla Billquist - Blå rosor
Inlägg: 14766
Anslöt: 2010-11-30

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav Dagobert » 2015-04-06 9:30:12

Ulla Billquist - Blånande Fjäll
Inlägg: 14766
Anslöt: 2010-11-30

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav LordNelson » 2015-04-06 10:03:36

Dagobert skrev:Anita Lindblom - Balladen om den blå baskern

Ja just..

Blåljus - Näbil och Kartellen
Inlägg: 4790
Anslöt: 2010-06-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav Ganapati » 2015-04-06 10:19:13

Totta Näslund - Johanna & den blå ambulansen
- Långt bort, långt upp i det blå
Inlägg: 243
Anslöt: 2013-08-23

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav Ganapati » 2015-04-06 10:28:10

Gershwin förstås - Rhapsody in blue
Inlägg: 243
Anslöt: 2013-08-23

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-06 15:44:53

Judas Priest - Red, White and Blue

Spoiler: visa
"Red, White And Blue"

When I'm far away
And I can't get through
Wherever I roam
Keeps bringing me back to you

Holding on to hope
There's no need to fear
Wherever I roam
This piece of home
Keeps telling you that I'm near

So lift up your heart
Cause the brave will always come through
While we're apart
We will raise the red, white and blue

When I stand alone
Without you by my side
I think of all
That you stand for
It fills me up with pride

Reaching out to you
Across mountains, sea and sky
I think of all
That you stand for
And hope will never die

Now I'm coming home again
I'm coming home to you
And as I roam
This piece of home
Has brought me back to you
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-06 16:31:15

Hound Dog Taylor - Blue Guitar

Jo jag vet :-)Happy i just den här låten ingen sång :? men.. ett nog så intressant exempel på en av de många musiker som präglades av ett liv med "blues" och i sin tur präglade en hel del "rock" med en Chicago blues :-)Happy
Hound Dog Taylor föddes med sex fingrar på varje hand. Han skar själv bort det sjätte fingret på sin högra hand med ett rakblad för att det störde hans gitarrspel.

Hound Dog Taylor
Chicago Blues
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-06 23:49:34

Am I Blue? med Billie Holiday

Hoagy Carmichael - Am I Blue med Lauren Bacall i filmen To have and have not

Spoiler: visa
Am i blue

I'm just a man, a lonely man
Waiting on the weary shore
I'm just a man who's only human
One you should feel sorry for

It was a morning, long before dawn
Without a warning I found she was gone
How could she do it, why should she do it
She never done it before

Am I blue, am I blue
Ain't these tears in these eyes telling you
How can you ask me am I blue
Why, wouldn't you be too
If each plan with your woman
Done fell through

There was a time
When I was her only one
But now I'm the sad and lonely one, lonely
Was I gay, until today
Now she's gone, and we're through
Am I blue


Ur Wikipedia om filmen
(...) Att ha och inte ha är en amerikansk film från 1944 regisserad av Howard Hawks och med Humphrey Bogart och Lauren Bacall i de ledande rollerna. Den hade svensk premiär den 6 augusti 1945.

Filmen är en bearbetning av en novell av Ernest Hemingway. Detta var Lauren Bacalls första film, hon var bara 19 år gammal när filmen gjordes. Hon och Humphrey Bogart blev förälskade under inspelningen och gifte sig kort därefter.

Filmens handling har stora likheter med en annan av Bogarts filmer, nämligen Casablanca från 1942.(...)
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-06 23:59:56

Foghat ~ Stone Blue (Radio Edit)

Spoiler: visa
"Stone Blue"

Wind tearin' through the backstreet, I hear the rhythm of my heart beat,
Rain blowin' to my face, I'm tired of being in the wrong place.

Blues knockin' on my back door, I can't jump from the second floor,
Turn up the radio higher and higher, rock and roll music set my ears on fire.

When I was stone blue, rock and roll sure helped me through.
When I was stone blue, rock and roll sure helped me through.

Laid off work and I can't be free, I need some rock 'n' roll therapy.
Put on a 45 and let the needle ride, jukebox jumps and I'll be satisfied.

When I was stone blue, rock and roll sure helped me through.
When I was stone blue, rock and roll sure helped me through.

Oh, let me ride on your mystery train, ride through the night in the pourin' rain.
Rock and roll in my soul, got me losin' control, let it roll!

Stone blue, rock and roll sure helped me through,
When I was stone blue, rock and roll sure helped me through.

[Rod - Slide Solo]

Rock and roll in my soul, got me losin' control,
Let it roll, let it roll, let it roll, let it roll!

When I was stone blue, rock and roll sure helped me through.
When I was stone blue, rock and roll sure helped me through.
(Stone blue) Walkin' on a backstreet,
(Stone blue) I hear the rhythm of my heartbeat.
(Stone blue) Pick up the beat 'n' start to run,
(Stone blue) I'll be home before the mornin' sun.
(Stone blue) Rain blowin' to my face,
(Stone blue) I'm tired of bein' in the wrong place.


When I was stone blue, rock and roll sure helped me through.
When I was stone blue, rock and roll sure helped me through.
Turn up my radio, turn it up, yeah, higher and higher,
Turn it up, turn it up, whoo, yeah, higher and higher.


You gotta help me through - you gotta help me through,
You gotta help me through - you gotta help me through,
You gotta help me through - you gotta help me through,
You gotta help me through - you gotta help me through.
When I was stone blue, when I was stone blue,
Gotta help me through, help me through...
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-07 0:05:13

Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky

Spoiler: visa
"Mr. Blue Sky"

Sun is shinin' in the sky,
There ain't a cloud in sight
It's stopped rainin'
Everybody's in a play
And don't you know
It's a beautiful new day.

Runnin' down the avenue,(Pant, Pant, Pant)
See how the sun shines brightly
In the city on the streets
Where once was pity,
Mr. Blue Sky is living here today.

Mr. Blue Sky, please tell us why,
You had to hide away
For so long where did we go wrong.

Hey there Mr. Blue
We're so pleased to be with you
Look around see what you do,
Everybody smiles at you.

Hey you with the pretty face,
Welcome to the human race
A celebration Mr. Blue Sky's
Up there waitin' and today
Is the day we've waited for


Mr. Blue you did it right,
But soon comes Mr. Night,
Creepin' over, now his
Hand is on your shoulder,
Never mind I'll remember you this way.

Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-07 0:17:21

ZZ Top - Blue Jean Blues (Live from Texas)

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"Blue Jean Blues"

I done ran into my baby
and fin'lly found my old blue jean.
I done ran into my baby
and fin'lly found my old blue jean.
Well, I could tell that they was mine
from the oil and the gasoline.

If I ever get back my blue jean,
Lord, how happy could one man be.
If I ever get back my blue jean,
Lord, how happy could one man be.
'Cause if I get back those blue jean
you know, my baby be bringin' 'em home to me.
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-07 0:24:13

Wishbone Ash - Love is Blue

Spoiler: visa
You know I miss you
Capture by love and new wants
And then you were gone

It's taking it's time getting over this feeling
When I see many clouds and the sun still shines through.
Shining through

I see a rainbow
And what you said is now coming back to me

When the storm breaks from the sky, you'll know.
What colour is left is in the sea, as you knew.

Love is blue, love is blue, love is blue.
Love is blue, love is blue, love is blue.

You know I want you
It's time like now in my mind, there's only one thought.

Do I wanna go on, carried away by this illusion?
I've gotta be strong, only one thing that I need to do.

Love is blue, love is blue, love is blue
Love is blue, love is blue, love is blue
Love is blue
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-07 1:01:30

Sonic Youth - I Love You Golden Blue

Spoiler: visa
"I Love You Golden Blue"

Dead boy stares
Strange to meet you
Dead boy cares
So great to see you

Is it time to go
It's a place I know
I can't read your mind
I can't find the time
I can't feel the thrill
I don't have the will

Dead boy dares
Believe in you
Dead boy stares
Afraid that you will see him

Is it time to go
Is it a place I know
I can't read your mind
I can't find the time
I can't feel the thrill
I don't have the will

I love you
A metallic blue
I love you
Golden blue
I miss you
Shine all alone
I miss you

Don't know what to do
I don't glitter like the stars above
I don't glow like neon alone
Don't blush it's just the wind outside
Don't rush to be by my side

Sonic Youth - Walkin Blue

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"Walkin Blue"

Hey now, whats the news?
I heard you've been seen walkin' blue
I know we're all confused, it's ture
I know you feel the same way

Everything we see is clear/everything we feel

I'm here to let you know
All we need to do is just to just let go
You've heard we're "born to lose", I know
But don't you start to think that's really true
You've got the walkin blues today
But soon we'll stand and let the music play

Everything we dream is clear, everything we

Let's say you and I we find/something hard to hold
Let's keep it in our minds
And let it fill our days
Never slip and find we've let it stray
Now we're in for the long ride
We can let the rest slip aside

Everything we need is clear
Everything we feel is clear
Everything we dream is clear
Everything we see is clear
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-08 18:09:10

Brevet Från Smurfan, Smurfarna, en blå, blå smurf

Im Blue - Smurfs Movie

En blå, blå smurf
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-08 22:18:40

(Oh)Mamy blue en mamma "blå-låt" som lät en hel del då den låg på en massa topplistor från 1971 >>> och framgent återkom i en massa covers med en mängd artister, populärt :-)Crying spelades den i de dåtida musikmaskiner som ex.vis kassett-spelare kassett-radion radion radio-grammofoner och jukeboxar.. :-)Crying :-)Crying :-)Crying

Spoiler: visa
(Oh mammy
Oh mammy - mammy - blue
Oh mammy - Blue)

I may be your forgotten son
Who wandered off at twenty one
It's sad to find myself at home
And you, you are not around

If I could only hold your hand
And say I'm sorry yes I am
I'm sure you really understand
Oh Ma, where are you now.

(Oh mammy
Oh mammy - mammy - blue
Oh mammy - Blue)

(Oh mammy)
Oh mammy
(Oh mammy - mammy - blue
Oh mammy - Blue)
Oh mammy mammy mammy
(Oh mammy)
Oh mammy
(Oh mammy - mammy - blue
Oh mammy - Blue)
I need you mammy, mammy
(Oh mammy)
Oh mammy
(Oh mammy - mammy - blue
Oh mammy - Blue)

The house we shared upon the hill
Seems lifeless but it's standing still
And memories of my childhood fill
My mind
Oh mammy mammy mammy.

I've been through all the walks of life
Seen tired days and lonely nights
And now without you by my side
I'm lost
How will I survive.

(Oh mammy
Oh mammy - mammy - blue
Oh mammy - Blue)

(Oh mammy
Oh mammy - mammy - blue
Oh mammy - Blue)

(Oh mammy)
Oh mammy
(Oh mammy - mammy - blue
Oh mammy - Blue)
Oh mammy mammy mammy
(Oh mammy)
Oh mammy
(Oh mammy - mammy - blue
Oh mammy - Blue)
I need you mammy, mammy
(Oh mammy)
Oh mammy, You never miss the water 'til the well run dry
(Oh mamy)
Oh mammy, I guess I'll always be your grownup child
(Oh mamy)
Oh mammy, I need your shoulder to pray if I ever cry
(Oh mamy)
Oh mammy, I need your warm embrase and your comfort and smile
(Oh mamy)
Oh mammy, If only you could see or hear my voice cry
(Oh mammy)
Oh mammy
(Oh mammy - mammy - blue
Oh mammy - Blue)

Youtube 36 000 sökresultat
google 2 440 000 sökresultat
"Mamy blue" skrevs först på franska men översattes raskt till en engelsk text..
Som av en händelse sjöngs låten därefter på en allsköns språk..

Spanska Los Pop-Tops var nog först med en hel "radda" av framgångar..
Kjerstin Dellert sjöng verserna på Svensktoppen
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Kjerstin Dellert och Tore Skogman (i och för sig ingen sång med blått men en Pop opp i topp)
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Paroles Mamy Blue - Nicoletta tribute (Nicole Fernande Grisoni-Chappuis)
Spoiler: visa

Oh Mamy ! Oh Mamy, Mamy blue
Oh Mamy blue !
(choeurs)Oh Mamy Mamy
Où es-tu,
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Où es-tu Mamy blue ?
Oh Mamy blue !
(choeurs)Oh Mamy Mamy

Oh Mamy ! Oh Mamy, Mamy blue
Oh Mamy blue !
(choeurs)Oh Mamy Mamy
Où es-tu,
(Oh Mamy ! Oh Mamy, Mamy blue
Oh Mamy blue !
(choeurs)Oh Mamy Mamy
Où es-tu,
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Où es-tu Mamy blue ?
Oh Mamy blue !
(choeurs)Oh Mamy Mamy

Je suis partie un soir d'été
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Sans dire un mot, sans t'embrasser
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Sans un regard sur le passé
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Dès que j'ai franchi la frontière
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Le vent soufflait plus fort qu'hier
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Quand j'étais près de toi ma mère
(choeurs)Oh Mamy

Oh Mamy ! Oh Mamy, Mamy blue
Oh Mamy blue !
(choeurs)Oh Mamy Mamy
Où es-tu,
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Où es-tu Mamy blue ?
Oh Mamy blue !
(choeurs)Oh Mamy Mamy

Et aujourd'hui je te reviens
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Oui, j'ai refait tout le chemin
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Qui m'avait entraînée si loin
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Tu n'es plus là pour me sourire
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Me réchauffer, me recueillir
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Et je n'ai plus qu'à repartir

Oh Mamy ! Oh Mamy, Mamy blue
Oh Mamy blue !
(choeurs)Oh Mamy Mamy
Où es-tu,
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Où es-tu Mamy blue ?
Oh Mamy blue !
(choeurs)Oh Mamy Mamy

Et le temps a passé
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Et Mamy blue s'est en allée
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
La maison a fermé ses yeux
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Le chat et les chiens sont très vieux
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Et ils viennent me dire adieu
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Je ne reviendrai plus jamais
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Dans ce village que j'aimais
(choeurs)Oh Mamy
Où tu reposes désormais

Oh Mamy ! Oh Mamy blue !
Oh Mamy blue !
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-08 22:43:59

Neil Diamond - Song Sung Blue (with lyrics)
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-08 23:25:20

Kent - Blåjeans (Lyrics)

Spoiler: visa
Kent - När det blåser på månen (Lyrics)

Vet :-)Happy blåser är inte blått.. må månen månne gå för en blue moon:?
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

Sånger med blått!

Inläggav segdeg » 2015-04-08 23:29:34

John Fogerty - "Blue Moon Nights"

Blue Ridge Mountain Blues - John Fogerty

John Fogerty - Blueboy
Inlägg: 1788
Anslöt: 2010-12-25

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