Aspergare som vill bo i Sverige. Vad kan jag göra?

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Aspergare som vill bo i Sverige. Vad kan jag göra?

Inläggav surkål » 2010-08-23 0:21:24

Hello, I hope you don't mind that I write in English, as my grammar in Swedish might be insufficient. I have lived in Sweden for a year, but was not able to find a job, especially not part-time which would be better as an aspie. I have experience for several years in IT , sysadmin and helpdesk and followed a bachelor's study in IT (programming, networking, databases) with international politics and Swedish as a minor.

Since I am dutch, learning swedish was relatively easy. Yet I noticed that AMS and calling companies was not easy at all. So what do you advise?
Only being self employed could work?
Having a contact would mean more financial stability...


Ledsen, mitt Svenskt är inte så bra, darför prefererar jag att talar Engelska i meddelandet.
Jag hoppas att hittar ett deltid jobb i sverige, kanske i GBG. Men som en aspergare vet jag inte hur att man gör om det. Inte vara perfect i Svenska språket var också ett problem, antar jag.
Ny medlem
Inlägg: 6
Anslöt: 2010-08-22

Inläggav matterik » 2010-08-23 5:57:36

If you have a diagnosis then you can get help from habiliteringen or from the unemployment office, just show them your diagnosis and things will work out from there I think. But then again if you dont have a Swedish citizenship and not any personal number etc then maybe they wont help you, you are simply not eligible for help from the Swedish health care system then maybe.
Inlägg: 2085
Anslöt: 2010-01-17

Inläggav Kristofer » 2010-08-23 10:35:03

Hi Debbie and welcome to

Finding a job in Sweden is quite hard, unfortunately. Especially, if you are an aspie, but it´s not impossible. I don´t know anything about the IT-business in Sweden but I recommend you to have a look at these pages: ... DEN_NORDIC

Staffing companies may have some suitable part time jobs for you, it shouldn't be impossible for you to find a job since you have lot of experience.

Good luck!
Inlägg: 7528
Anslöt: 2005-11-05

Inläggav Take » 2010-08-23 12:28:50

Ik zou hier iets moeten schrijven, maar wat. Wij hebben in ieder geval 5 mensen in dienst die AS hebben en in de ICT zitten.
Inlägg: 20
Anslöt: 2009-09-09

Inläggav surkål » 2010-08-23 19:49:50

Take skrev:Ik zou hier iets moeten schrijven, maar wat. Wij hebben in ieder geval 5 mensen in dienst die AS hebben en in de ICT zitten.

Har ditt företag lediga tjänster? ;)
Ny medlem
Inlägg: 6
Anslöt: 2010-08-22

Inläggav surkål » 2010-08-23 19:50:57

matterik skrev:If you have a diagnosis then you can get help from habiliteringen or from the unemployment office, just show them your diagnosis and things will work out from there I think. But then again if you dont have a Swedish citizenship and not any personal number etc then maybe they wont help you, you are simply not eligible for help from the Swedish health care system then maybe.

Jag har personnumnret, men är inte Svensk. Jag ska kolla Habiliteringens websidan. Tack!
Ny medlem
Inlägg: 6
Anslöt: 2010-08-22

Inläggav surkål » 2010-08-23 20:20:04

Kristofer skrev:Hi Debbie and welcome to

Finding a job in Sweden is quite hard, unfortunately. Especially, if you are an aspie, but it´s not impossible. I don´t know anything about the IT-business in Sweden but I recommend you to have a look at these pages: ... DEN_NORDIC

Staffing companies may have some suitable part time jobs for you, it shouldn't be impossible for you to find a job since you have lot of experience.

Good luck!

Thanks for the links.
I see there is now a reasonable amount of vacancies around Stockholm.
But renting a place there is quite expensive if even found (last time I checked). Applying for a job whilst not having an address there is pretty hard. Last time I was there, I was in an exchange programme so housing was provided for. I wonder if perhaps someone here with autism knows a secondhand appartment for rent or so? (Temporarily)sharing a house with "normal people" was never an option. Once you explain that you have a manual, the case is lost. :?
Ny medlem
Inlägg: 6
Anslöt: 2010-08-22

Inläggav surkål » 2010-08-23 22:13:15

By the way, for those that want a job. In the Netherlands it *is* a lot easier to get one. The reason why I want to try Sweden is for the "vackra naturen" the rocky hills and forests and pretty language. Picking mushrooms here is also illegal by local legislations and I loved doing that in Sweden. I know several swedes that moved here to find jobs and succeeded within 1 or 2 months. With the european legislation it is easy to stay for 3 months in another EU country with no demands asked. So I would encourage people to get informed about that option when interested.
Ny medlem
Inlägg: 6
Anslöt: 2010-08-22

Inläggav Parvlon » 2010-08-23 22:26:04

surkål skrev:Once you explain that you have a manual, the case is lost.
Are you allergic to some kind of manuals or what?

Picking mushrooms here is also illegal
Thats stupid.
Most mushroom's is legal to harvest and eat in Sweden but not all of them. They are supposed to be "toxic" and i heard that you get big black eyes and super powers if eating them.
Inlägg: 14823
Anslöt: 2006-07-28
Ort: ∴ℜ∴Ψ∴ℜ∴

Inläggav Kristofer » 2010-08-23 22:40:52


I know all about the problems in sthlm. At the moment I´m looking for a place in sthlm myself. I´ll tell you if I find something interesting.
Inlägg: 7528
Anslöt: 2005-11-05

Inläggav Fenren » 2010-08-26 12:29:35

Parvlon skrev:
surkål skrev:Once you explain that you have a manual, the case is lost.
Are you allergic to some kind of manuals or what?

Picking mushrooms here is also illegal
Thats stupid.
Most mushroom's is legal to harvest and eat in Sweden but not all of them. They are supposed to be "toxic" and i heard that you get big black eyes and super powers if eating them.

du vet väl att allemansrätten är ett väldigt svenskt fenomen?

det innebär att i i princip alla andra länder är allt som växer eller springer eller simmar (eller flyger för den delen med... och kanske rullar med. ja ni förstår...) omkring på någons mark markägarens egendom.
Inlägg: 7847
Anslöt: 2009-09-03
Ort: Min Mamma

Inläggav Take » 2010-12-09 12:48:29

Du ska vara bosatt i sverige för att omfatta av den svenska sjukvården, du behöver inte vara svensk.
Inlägg: 20
Anslöt: 2009-09-09

Inläggav gemini » 2010-12-12 9:22:09

surkål skrev:By the way, for those that want a job. In the Netherlands it *is* a lot easier to get one. The reason why I want to try Sweden is for the "vackra naturen" the rocky hills and forests and pretty language. Picking mushrooms here is also illegal by local legislations and I loved doing that in Sweden. I know several swedes that moved here to find jobs and succeeded within 1 or 2 months. With the european legislation it is easy to stay for 3 months in another EU country with no demands asked. So I would encourage people to get informed about that option when interested.

Jag kan bekräfta detta då jag själv var nere i tre månader ungefär. Dock så är lönerna inte som i Sverige kan jag lova! Jag hade minimumlön för en 21 åring vilket låg på 6.24 € i timmen brutto, vilket motsvarar ungefär 60-65 kronor. Har man dock utbildning så ska det nog gå bättre.

Sen var även arbetsförhållandena, åtminstone där jag jobbade riktigt usla.
Om någon har planer på att åka ner får ni gärna skicka pm, jag hjälper gärna till och jag har dessutom kontakter jag kan fråga. :)
Inlägg: 192
Anslöt: 2010-12-11
Ort: Skåne

Inläggav Parvlon » 2010-12-12 14:24:50

Fenren skrev:
Parvlon skrev:
surkål skrev:Once you explain that you have a manual, the case is lost.
Are you allergic to some kind of manuals or what?

Picking mushrooms here is also illegal
Thats stupid.
Most mushroom's is legal to harvest and eat in Sweden but not all of them. They are supposed to be "toxic" and i heard that you get big black eyes and super powers if eating them.

du vet väl att allemansrätten är ett väldigt svenskt fenomen?

det innebär att i i princip alla andra länder är allt som växer eller springer eller simmar (eller flyger för den delen med... och kanske rullar med. ja ni förstår...) omkring på någons mark markägarens egendom.
Visst, men nu skrev han att plocka svamp är illegalt i sig. Svamparna som avses plockar man oftast i Sverige på icke-allmän mark eftersom det är på ängarna de växer, så det skulle vara illegalt på det sättet här med ändå, om man inte frågar då.

Bönderna ser dock mest troligt dessa svampar som ogräs, i en del fall kanske som godis till sina kossor. :)
Inlägg: 14823
Anslöt: 2006-07-28
Ort: ∴ℜ∴Ψ∴ℜ∴

Inläggav ragnevi » 2010-12-13 22:09:31

Is it easier for people with Asperger to get a job in Netherlands, or is it easier just in general terms? If it is easier for people with Asperger to find and keep a job, do you know why?
I don't know so much about the labour market in Netherlands, but I would appreciate if you could tell me what "system" they have for helping people with disabilities to get a job.
Inlägg: 1069
Anslöt: 2007-05-31
Ort: Göteborg

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